WFD Overview monitoring lakes
The overview monitoring serves to assess the condition and long-term changes and is carried out in Schleswig-Holstein on the five large lakes with a lake surface area larger... -
Potential nitrate emissions in kg N/(ha*a) according to Section 8 AVV GeA of ...
The current agricultural N balance surplus is shown in kg N/(ha*a) as a 4-year average for the period 2016-2019 per reference plot. The data basis is the agricultural N balance... -
Immission-based delimitation according to Section 5 AVV GeA (12/2022)
Documentation Immission-based delimitation (“internal differentiation”) according to Section 5 AVV GeA: Division of the GWK affected according to Section 3 AVV GeA into... -
WRRL Seetypen
The basics of biological assessment according to the WFD include the creation of a water typology and the designation of water types. These are elementary foundations for the... -
Designation measuring network for the areas contaminated with nitrate in acco...
The Excel table lists all groundwater quality measuring points of the WFD and EUA/nitrate measuring network NRW that were used to designate the "red" areas contaminated with... -
Areas contaminated with nitrate according to § 13a DüV (12/2022) and affected...
According to Section 13a DüV, there are stricter requirements for fertilization on the agricultural areas within the areas contaminated with nitrates for reasons of groundwater... -
Rating of the lakes
According to the EC Water Framework Directive, the ecological status of a natural body of water is assessed according to type using a five-stage scale (very good, good,...