Target timetable data VHB - with route
Target timetable data of the transport association, with route, in GTFS format. Please note the license supplement for this data set on NVBW notes on license types, paragraph... -
Target timetable data RAB - with route
Target timetable data of the national transport company, with route, in GTFS format. Please note the license supplement for this data set on NVBW notes on license types,... -
Bundled Eco-Counter bicycle counting data Baden-Württemberg
The data listed is bundled bicycle counting data from the current Eco-Counter bicycle counting stations in cities and communities in Baden-Württemberg. The locally collected... -
Parking data Constance
Here you will find information about parking in the city of Konstanz, i.e. locations of parking spaces and real-time data from the parking guidance system about the current... -
Bicycle parking facilities in Constance
The data set contains the bicycle parking facilities in the city of Constance for the year 2020. The data are integrated into the state-wide bicycle parking facility profile and...