PTCP 2013 - Charter of the Statute of the Territory Art. 3 Sensitive areas of...
Sensitive areas of the valley floor of the Province of Florence. Information sheet of the art. 3 Sensitive areas of the valley floor of the Provincial Territorial Coordination... -
Project water purification plants, thematic constituting the Provincial Urban Plan PUP established by Provincial Law No. 8 of 27 May 2008 which entered into force on 26 June... -
PAI Sicily - Oreto River Basin (039) Territorial area between the Oreto River...
Hydrographic basin of the Oreto River The hydrographic basin of the Oreto River is located in the north-western portion of the northern slope of Sicily and occupies a total area... -
House numbers
Vector file in dgn format on geographical coordinates Rome 40/Gauss Boaga relating to the location of external house numbers and internal accesses -
PTCP 2013 - Charter of the Statute of the Territory Art. 16 Network of equipp...
Routes for trekking, on foot, on horseback or by bicycle, including the historical-cultural itineraries with a high tourist attraction in the Province of Florence. Information... -
Tuscany Region - Areas subject to natural constraints or other specific const...
Article 32 of Reg. (EU) 1305\2013 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), designates "areas subject to natural... -
PAI Sicily - Territorial area between the basin of the Furiano stream and the...
The hydrographic basin of the Caronia torrent and the adjacent eastern territorial area, included between the basin of the Furiano torrent and the basin of the Caronia torrent,... -
PTCP 2013 - Charter of the Statute of the Territory Art. 3 Sensitive areas of...
Sensitive areas of the valley floor of the Province of Florence. Information sheet of the art. 3 Sensitive areas of the valley floor of the Provincial Territorial Coordination... -
PAI Sicily - Simeto River (094) Territorial area between the Simeto River bas...
Il bacino del Fiume Simeto, l’area compresa tra il bacino del Fiume Simeto e il bacinodel Fiume San Leonardo e i bacini endoreici dei Laghi di Maletto e Pergusa ricadononel... -
Basic cartography
Cadastral derivation cartography -
Implementation of the class Buildings in an extensive way with respect to the specification as it also includes the classes EDI_MIN, MN_IND, MN_MAU, ATTR__SP, MAN_TR -
PAI Sicily - Territorial area between the Hydrographic Basin of the Arena Riv...
The hydrographic basin of the Modione or Selino River (056), including the intermediate area with the basin of the Belice River, and the territorial area (055) between the Arena... -
PTCP 2013 - Charter of the Statute of the Territory Art. 12 Areas of historic...
Perimeter of the historical environmental protection areas of the Province of Florence. Information sheet of the art. 12 - Historic environmental protection areas - Provincial... -
PAI Sicily - Palma River Hydrographic Basin (070) and Intermediate Area betwe...
The hydrographic basin of the Palma River is located in the central portion of the southern slope of Sicily and occupies a total area of 122.5 km2. The basin in question has... -
PAI Sicily - Hydrographic Basin of the Birgi River (051) and Territorial Area...
The Birgi River Basin is located in the extreme western portion of Sicily and occupies a total area of about 336 km2. The shape of the area in question is sub-rectangular,... -
Orthophoto - 2006
The digital color orthophoto of the entire regional territory is on a 1:5,000 scale and has a pixel resolution of 50 cm on the ground. The orthophoto derives from the aerial... -
PTCP 2013 - Charter of the Statute of the Territory Art. 7 Protection of the ...
Perimeter of the areas outside the settlements of the Province of Florence. Information sheet of the art. 7 Protection of the open territory of the Provincial Territorial... -
Topographic Database
Territorial base of reference. Created on the occasion of the 2007 regional tender with the Province of Milan as leader. -
PTCP 2013 - Charter of the Statute of the Territory Art. 15 Geotopes and biot...
Punctual and area elements representing the geotopes and biotopes, the positioning of the census of the caves and the sites of regional importance (SIR) of the Province of... -
PAI Sicily - Hydrographic basin of the Inganno torrent and territorial area b...
The hydrographic basin of the Inganno torrent and the adjacent eastern area, between the basin of the Rosmarino river and the basin of the Inganno torrent, are located in the...