List of legally protected biotopes
Source of the data: - The registers of legally protected biotopes communicated to the Saxon State Agency for the Environment, Agriculture and Geology (LfULG) by the lower nature... -
Soil function assessment based on the soil map at a scale of 1 : 50,000
The soil function maps were created according to the Saxon soil assessment instrument as of 05/2022. For the first time, all 1,200 guide profiles from the soil map 1 : 50,000... -
Digital orthophotos (DOP) - aerial survey 2021, Marienberg
Part of ATKIS® -
All nature protection areas in Saxony that are under protection according to § 23 BNatSchG are shown. -
Digital Surface Model (DOM) - Free State of Saxony
The Digital Surface Model (DOM) describes the surface of the earth, vegetation and buildings by the spatial coordinates of a representative set of ground and non-ground points.... -
Flood Risk Map - UNESCO World Heritage Sites Affected HQ20
The data includes the affected UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the flooded areas of the areas with significant flood risk in a 20-year flood (HQ 20), in some areas other return... -
Geothermal extraction capacity in W/m: 2400 operating hours - up to 130m dril...
The map of the near-surface geothermal extraction capacity represents an overview map for the use of geothermal heat by means of geothermal probes. The interactive geothermal... -
WFD: Ecological Status OWK 2022-2027 - Macrophytes Phytobenthos
According to Annex 4 OGewV, four biological components are to be used for the assessment of the ecological status: here the assessment of macrophytes/phytobenthos -
Map of the near-surface mineral raw materials 1 : 50 000 (KOR50) - solid rocks
Map of the distribution of near-surface non-carbonate hard rock occurrences. Attribute scores allow for a breakdown by exploration level into suspected, inferred, and explored. -
The database contains currently operated gauges. It contains location coordinates and other subject-specific information, subdivided into federal waterway gauges, base gauge... -
The data set contains data from the maps of the administrative atlas of Saxony. It includes the locations of police stations and the areas of responsibility of the police... -
European bird sanctuaries
All European bird protection areas (SPA) according to the Bird Protection Directive 2009/147/EG in Saxony that are part of the NATURA 2000 network are shown. -
Flood Risk Map - UNESCO World Heritage Sites Affected HQ300
The data includes the affected UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the flooded areas of the areas with a significant flood risk in the event of a 300-year flood (HQ 300); in some... -
Noise level road traffic DEN (24-hour level)
Implementation of Directive 2002/49/EC on the assessment and control of environmental noise in Saxony. Illustration of the noise exposure along the mapped main roads for the... -
Digital surface model (DOM) - aerial survey 2016/2017, Dresden
The Digital Surface Model (DOM) describes the surface of the earth, vegetation and buildings using the spatial coordinates of a representative set of ground and non-ground... -
Soils with special characteristics - wet and moist soils
The derivation of the criterion is based on the soil function map "Natural soil fertility". From the map, the areas rated as level I (very low) were selected. From these, the... -
Water body structure lakes - structure of the shallow water zone 2016
Structure of the shallow water zone -
Water body structure mapping on the water bodies of the reporting water body network according to the WFD - information on the main parameters (volume 6) on a generalized course