Cultural-historical Atlas Province of Utrecht (CHAT) - points
Digital cultural-historical atlas of the Province of Utrecht (CHAT). This dataset contains the cultural-historical data managed by the Province of Utrecht. See also... -
BGT - Source Holders Limit theme layer
Selection of the source holder boundary from the Key Register of Large-Scale Topography. -
Outdoor places
The dataset contains the boundaries of the nationally protected country estates of which the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands has made an accurate digital boundary. -
Landscape plan Walcheren (line)
planting, mainly along roads, laid out according to the landscape plan of N.M. de Jonge at the reparcelling of Walcheren (1946 and later). -
Krib Strekdam
head in river or other open water of earth, stone and/or brushwood (and nowadays steel), intended to prevent current attack on the bank and/or to keep the fairway at depth. -
Boundaries of licensed excavation areas for sand and gravel extraction
The file contains data on the limits of current excavation permits. -
Taxation walcheren, transport rg (1704-1706)
Taxation of resorts in Walcheren, double 100 pennies -
Waste (EVOA) miscellaneous
An overview with information about the European regulations for the transport of waste, the European Waste Shipment Regulation (EVOA). -
Technical potential deep puddles (cold)
The potential stock of cold that can be extracted from a deep pool based on current technical possibilities. The available storage capacity of the subsurface for energy storage... -
coppice grove of alder bushes, in rows along ditches and surrounded by a wooded bank or ditch. -
Biomass pie chart (Natural capital)
These pie charts show the distribution of biomass quantities (in percentage terms) per municipality in the following categories, roadside clippings, reeds and heaths, stems and... -
Municipalities of Gelderland
Municipalities in Gelderland, with the municipal redivisions in Gelderland from 1-1-2020 -
Bodemgeschiktheidskaart - maaivelddaling na belasting
Deze kaart geeft de hoogteverandering na belasting ten opzichte van de huidige hoogte van het maaiveld weer. Het patroon dat de kaart toont is vergelijkbaar met het patroon van... -
Nol Bout (Zeeweringen)
De data zijn verzameld in het kader van het project Cultuurhistorie aan de Oosterscheldedijken (CZO) -
Archeologische verwachting Laagpakket van Walcheren, Beleidskaart VZG laag 1 ...
Gemeentelijke archeologische beleidsadvieskaart voor het Laagpakket van Walcheren van de gemeenten Borsele, Goes, Hulst, Kapelle, Noord-Beveland, Reimerswaal, Sluis en Tholen. -
Belastingheffingen walcheren, landvierschaar (1599-1625)
Belastingheffing van resorten walcheren dubbelle 100 penning -
dug water, which is closed off from the outside water by dikes, dams or locks, and which is used for shipping and/or drainage. Some channels in the dune areas have been... -
Soil potential WVP3, with legal restrictions
Open geothermal energy systems - Soil potential in GJ/ha/year WVP3 (heat/cold), without legal restrictions -
Double 100 denarius (1584-1601)
Taxation of resorts walcheren double 100 penny -
Topographic Military Map 1850, net drawings
The field minutes for the Topographical Military Map (TMK) were made between 1836 and 1856 by officers of the Bureau of Military Explorations with the aim of producing a...