Houtsingel area Gorecht

This file contains the 'houtsingel' areas that are located in Gorecht, a region in the province of Groningen. Wood belts, alder belts, hawthorn hedges and hedgerows are linear plantings with trees and/or shrubs. Wood girths have a varied composition of trees, alder girths mainly consist of alders and hawthorn hedges of hawthorns. These elements often form boundaries of plots or are partitions with a different function, originally usually as livestock barriers. Roughly speaking, two types can be distinguished: plants on an artificial earth bank (wooden embankment) and plants on the same level as the surrounding land (wood belt). Characteristic of the Gorecht is the closed windbreak structure and the pingo ruins present therein. The hedgerows are under pressure due to an increase in scale in agriculture and the lack of sufficient maintenance. The pingo ruins are in danger of losing their value due to, among other things, deep plowing, leveling and sliding of the soil. Characteristic of Gorecht is the small-scale and enclosed landscape with hedgerows, hedgerows, hawthorn hedges and pingo ruins. Rules are included in Article 4.39 for the small-scale and closed landscape of the Gorecht, and rules are included in Article 4.40 for the protection of the relief and the openness around essen in Westerwolde.

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Field Value
Last Updated July 13, 2023, 18:40 (UTC)
Created July 13, 2023, 18:40 (UTC)
harvest_object_id 58928ade-64a3-4383-866a-3fc963f2a121
harvest_source_id 2d143cca-7932-40e0-9df7-9fe853be01b4
harvest_source_title OverheidNl