Air quality along roads 2016 (Monitoring round 2017)

The National Air Quality Cooperation Programme, which has been in force since 1 August 2009, contains a package of measures to ensure timely compliance with European limit values ​​everywhere in the Netherlands. This takes into account the effects of spatial developments on which a decision will be taken within the term of the NSL. From 2010, the NSL will be monitored annually. It monitors the development of air quality and records the implementation of the measures and projects included in the NSL. For the purpose of this monitoring, calculations are carried out with the Monitoring tool. If the monitoring shows that the objectives of the NSL are not being achieved, additional measures can be taken. The limit value for NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) is 40 ug/m3, and this must be achieved in 2015 on NSL test points. The limit values ​​for PM10 are 40 ug/m3 annual average and a daily average of 50 ug/m3, which, however, corresponds to 31.2 ug/m3 annual average. The particulate matter limit value must be reached in 2011.

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Field Value
Last Updated August 5, 2023, 23:34 (UTC)
Created July 12, 2023, 06:21 (UTC)
harvest_object_id 2eabb95a-4976-46d2-b1c1-fb78d12999a8
harvest_source_id 2d143cca-7932-40e0-9df7-9fe853be01b4
harvest_source_title OverheidNl