Fresh-salt groundwater occurrences

The base file used originates from a study that TNO has carried out on behalf of the province into the possibilities for cold-heat storage in the province. (TNO report 'Regional Soil Opportunities Map South Holland. Suitability of the soil for low-calorific storage of cold/heat in South Holland, July 2000). Based on the supplied legend of the basic file, a new file has been created 'fresh-salt groundwater occurrences'. The legend units are indicated in the column 'fresh/brackish'. These maps are part of the soil vision and are indicative maps. When zooming in on a specific area or question, it is always necessary to check whether further information is available.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated August 6, 2023, 00:50 (UTC)
Created July 13, 2023, 06:37 (UTC)
harvest_object_id 23a8eaab-973f-4375-ae6a-7c11f0c55e74
harvest_source_id 2d143cca-7932-40e0-9df7-9fe853be01b4
harvest_source_title OverheidNl