Soil remediation Emergency locations

Emergency locations for soil remediation. Preliminary note: This map layer concerns the progress of the urgent locations project. For environmental analyses, however, we recommend using the soil data of the environmental services. This is more complete and up to date. This map layer provides an overview of the serious soil contaminations for which unacceptable risks have been demonstrated. These locations are being remediated with priority (urgently). The “approach to urgent locations” is a project that is being carried out under the direction of the Province. This map layer shows the emergency locations for which the province is the competent authority in the context of the Soil Protection Act (from 1-1-2024 this falls under the transitional law of the Environment and Planning Act); The competent authority is the province of ZH with the exception of the municipalities of Rotterdam, Leiden, Schiedam, Dordrecht and The Hague; These municipalities are themselves competent authorities. The decision to remediate contaminated soil with priority (urgent) is taken on the basis of a risk assessment and the current function and use of the site. Three types of risks are decisive here, risks for: • humans (human risks) • animals and plants (ecological risks) • the speed of spreading of the contamination with the groundwater (spreading risk). If there is a location with unacceptable risks, it is defined in the soil remediation policy as an emergency location. For most locations, third parties are at the forefront of the approach. For more information about the progress of the project, please refer to: The map layer is updated once a year. For specific information about a location, please refer to the relevant environmental service.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated August 4, 2023, 06:46 (UTC)
Created July 12, 2023, 06:33 (UTC)
harvest_object_id 9dbd7f58-3a0a-4443-8dc7-8050cb9ec82d
harvest_source_id 2d143cca-7932-40e0-9df7-9fe853be01b4
harvest_source_title OverheidNl