Interim Environmental Ordinance, Water Storage

The provincial policy for regional flooding is aimed at ensuring protection against flooding. The Interim Environmental Ordinance includes the areas that are sensitive to flooding (reservation areas for water storage) and areas where controlled water storage is provided or that naturally flood, such as stream valleys (regional water storage). Linked to this are rules that implement the policy in the Regional Water and Soil Program 2022-2027 (RWP). The areas are updated periodically.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated August 30, 2023, 14:46 (UTC)
Created April 11, 2023, 23:00 (UTC)
harvest_object_id 771760c0-6e67-4f1d-bfaa-849ad03bd8cd
harvest_source_id 2d143cca-7932-40e0-9df7-9fe853be01b4
harvest_source_title OverheidNl