2017 Arcep survey - Quality of mobile telephony service on transport routes

The Arcep survey is designed so that the indicators contained in the file 2017-06 Indicators_ARCEPQoS2017DataVoice .xlsx have a statistical value. The measurement locations are drawn at random using a method to ensure this representativeness. Furthermore, it must be emphasized that the raw data contained in this game are valid for the day and time of the test: they are not necessarily representative in duration or space of the customer experience. Likewise, any indicator constructed from raw data and not contained in the 2017-06 Indicateurs_ARCEPQoS2017DataVoix.xlsx is not necessarily statistically representative: the exploitation of this raw data by a third party is done under its responsibility. Test protocol : WEB : loading a web page from a panel of very popular pages VOICE: call of 2 minutes incoming or outgoing between an Orange fixed line PSTN and an operator's mobile line; SMS : sending or receiving a SMS of 26 alphanumeric characters between two mobile lines of the operator.

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Field Value
Source https://data.iledefrance.fr/explore/dataset/enquete-2017-de-larcep-qualite-de-service-mobile-sur-les-axes-de-transport/
Last Updated September 12, 2023, 17:36 (UTC)
Created September 12, 2023, 17:36 (UTC)
GUID https://data.iledefrance.fr/explore/dataset/enquete-2017-de-larcep-qualite-de-service-mobile-sur-les-axes-de-transport/
Identifier https://data.iledefrance.fr/explore/dataset/enquete-2017-de-larcep-qualite-de-service-mobile-sur-les-axes-de-transport/
Issued 2017-08-02T14:18:04+00:00
Language ["http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-1/fr"]
Modified 2017-08-02T14:18:04+00:00
Publisher URI https://data.iledefrance.fr/explore/?refine.publisher=Arcep
Publisher name Arcep
Theme ["https://data.iledefrance.fr/explore/?refine.theme=B%C3%A2timent+-+%C3%A9quipements", "https://data.iledefrance.fr/explore/?refine.theme=D%C3%A9placements+-+transports"]
URI https://data.iledefrance.fr/explore/dataset/enquete-2017-de-larcep-qualite-de-service-mobile-sur-les-axes-de-transport/
harvest_object_id 20205d19-2352-4cf2-8396-97073692a6b6
harvest_source_id e5d9c8a2-c401-4990-a089-86fbf565df08
harvest_source_title Ile-de-France Open Data Portal
related_resource ["https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/monreseaumobile/"]