For English, see below File description: This file contains the following percentages: - (1) percentage of participants with Covid-19-like complaints in Infection Radar - (2) 7-day average of (1) by reporting date of the weekly questionnaire. The file is structured as follows: • One record per reporting date. The file is updated once a week, but only data from fully completed days is shown. Every week on Tuesday, seven new days (Tuesday through Monday) are added to the file. From September 6, 2023, this file will be updated weekly on Wednesdays. The data will be updated retroactively for the other days. Description of the variables: Version: version number of the dataset. If the content of the dataset is structurally changed (i.e. not the daily update or a correction at record level), the version number will be adjusted (+1) and also the corresponding metadata in RIVMdata ( Date_of_report: Date and time when the data file was created by the RIVM. Date_of_statistics: Date the weekly questionnaire was submitted. Perc_covid_symptoms: Percentage of participants in Infection Radar who reported Covid-19-like complaints in the week before the [Date_of_statistics]. Covid-19-like symptoms include fever, coughing, shortness of breath, loss of smell or taste. MA_perc_covid_symptoms: The seven-day moving average (MA) of [Perc_covid_symptoms]. This average is shown on the middle day. For the first 3 and last 3 days in the dataset, this value is empty, because these days are not in the middle of a 7 day period. From November 24, 2022, the Infection Radar analyzes have been adjusted retroactively. As a result, there are minimal differences in the results published before this date. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Covid-19 Percentage of participants with COVID-19-like complaints in Infection Radar per reporting date File description : This file contains the following percentages: - (1) percentage of participants with Covid-19-like complaints in Infection Radar - (2) 7-day average of (1) per reporting date of the weekly questionnaire. The file is structured as follows: • One record per reporting date The file is updated once a week, but only data from fully completed days is displayed. Every week on Tuesday, seven new days (Tuesday through Monday) are added to the file. From September 6, 2023, this file will be updated weekly on Wednesdays. The data is retroactively updated for the other days. Description of the variables: Version: version number of the dataset. When the content of the dataset is structurally changed (so not the daily update or a correction at record level), the version number will be adjusted (+1) and also the corresponding metadata in RIVMdata ( Date_of_report: Date and time on which the data file was created by the RIVM. Date_of_statistics: Date on which the weekly questionnaire was submitted. Perc_covid_symptoms: Percentage of participants in Infection Radar who reported Covid-19-like symptoms in the week before the [Date_of_statistics]. Covid-19-like complaints are fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of smell or loss of taste. MA_perc_covid_symptoms: The 7-day moving average (MA) of [Perc_covid_symptoms]. This average is shown on the middle day. For the first 3 and last 3 days in the dataset, this value is empty, because these days are not in the middle of a 7-day period. From November 24, 2022, the analyzes of Infection Radar have been adjusted retroactively. As a result, there are minimal differences in the results published before this date.