Cultural history DNA map, Inundation areas

File with inundation areas included in the so-called DNA map. In the cultural-historical policy of the province of Gelderland 'Belvoir', Gelderland is divided into ten Belvoir areas. Each area has its own regional cultural-historical identities. The carriers of these identities are the DNA structures. The 'Gelderland DNA' map shows the cultural-historical identity carriers for the various Belvoir areas. The province is committed to preserving, strengthening and developing this DNA. Adopted PS : 23-02-2009.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated July 12, 2023, 06:27 (UTC)
Created July 12, 2023, 06:27 (UTC)
harvest_object_id 5e526d05-6f27-4f82-a341-e3ea03553a00
harvest_source_id 2d143cca-7932-40e0-9df7-9fe853be01b4
harvest_source_title OverheidNl