This table contains monthly cash data on the income, expenditure and balance of the central government. The data comes directly from the accounts of the relevant government agencies. This table presents the amounts on a cash basis. This means that the moment of payment is the criterion for the booking. The data presented is not consistent with publications on national accounts. This table implements EU Directive 2011/85. This directive is part of six European legislative measures known as the 'Six Pack'. Statistics Netherlands published the revised National Accounts in June 2018. The gross domestic product (GDP) and total government expenditure, among other things, have been adjusted upwards due to the revision. As part of the overhaul, the central government's population determination has been qualitatively improved. In addition, classifications of certain income and expenses have changed. From the first month of 2018, cash expenditure, cash income and the balance after revision are published in this table for the central government. The figures for the previous months have not been adjusted based on the revision. As a result, a break occurred between December 2017 and January 2018. Data available from: January 2014. Status of the figures: The figures for April, May, June and July 2023 have a provisional status. The figures for January, February and March 2023 have a provisional status and the figures for 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 have a final status. Changes as of August 31, 2023: Figures for July 2023 are available. When will new figures be available? The new monthly figures are published one month after the end of a reporting month. When a new month is published, the provisional figures from the previous month can be adjusted. The figures for three consecutive months within a quarter are adjusted at the end of the following quarter. The figures become final six months after the end of the year.