Health map GES Noise provincial roads Lden 2013

This file contains data on exposure to noise from road traffic on the provincial roads in North Brabant. and its translation into health risks, so-called GES scores. Calculated noise contours Lden have been translated into GES scores in accordance with the 2012 City & Environment Health Impact Screening Handbook: 55-60 dB = GES 4 (moderate); 60-65 dB = GES 5 (very moderate); 65-70 dB = GES 6 (insufficient); 70-75 dB = GES 7 (more than insufficient); >= 75 dB = GES 8 (very unsatisfactory). The Health Effect Screening (GES) method gives a score (from 0 to 8) to the environmental health quality. Shown on the map from green (GES score 0, very good) through yellow, orange and red (GES score 6, unsatisfactory) to purple (GES score 8, very unsatisfactory). These scores are based on knowledge about the relationship between exposure and health risks. The noise contours reflect the situation for the reference year 2011. In addition to the roads that fully or partially meet the criteria of the 2nd tranche of the EU Environmental Noise Directive, other provincial roads are also included. The noise load has been calculated for individual roads. The combined noise impact of several roads (provincial roads and national roads and provincial roads among themselves) or of road traffic, rail traffic, air traffic and/or companies has not been determined. In reality, when multiple noise sources are combined, the noise impact and thus the health effect can be higher.

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Field Value
Last Updated July 13, 2023, 18:34 (UTC)
Created July 13, 2023, 18:34 (UTC)
harvest_object_id 8f1a99b6-ab01-425e-9cf9-173b96cb7180
harvest_source_id 2d143cca-7932-40e0-9df7-9fe853be01b4
harvest_source_title OverheidNl