Mobility infrastructures

The map service contains data relating to the following networks: road (motorways, main roads or state, regional and provincial roads, secondary roads or part of municipal roads, intersections between roads) of the entire territory of Lombardy, railways (regional and national, including the high-speed train), underground (Milan and Brescia);

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated May 3, 2023, 14:33 (UTC)
Created May 3, 2023, 14:33 (UTC)
GUID r_lombar:3417cfea-5192-467e-a388-947bdd7a85f2
access_constraints [""]
bbox-east-long 11.564678412404684
bbox-north-lat 46.78665961225736
bbox-south-lat 44.62330905210132
bbox-west-long 8.511745403606309
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "revision", "value": "2022-11-14"}]
frequency-of-update asNeeded
harvest_object_id 3b20c3d6-cd8f-4627-9993-977c8ab2ba9f
harvest_source_id 5045f9a0-4055-43f6-b140-9cd49466666b
harvest_source_title GeoDatiGovIt RNDT
licence []
lineage The cartographic representation shows topologically connected arcs, which, in the case of the road network, represent the axis of each carriageway of the road infrastructure and, in the case of the railway and underground network, represent the center line of the track or a bundle of tracks. Initially the data were acquired using several information sources of different detail and updating: Regional Technical Map (C.T.R.) at the two updating thresholds 1981-83 and 1994, provincial roads summary map, functional classification and qualification of the road network approved by the Lombardy Region (d.g.r. 7/19709 of 03/12/04), chorographies and intervention projects carried out by various subjects (Provinces, Anas, motorway concessionaires and local authorities, R.F.I., Ferrovienord and underground managers). Currently, the data relating to the roads is updated continuously on the basis of reports or updates provided by the owners or managers. The data relating to railways and subways are updated whenever they undergo changes or new interventions come into operation.
metadata-date 2022-11-22
metadata-language ita
resource-type series
responsible-party [{"name": "Regione Lombardia", "roles": ["pointOfContact"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[8.511745403606309, 44.62330905210132], [11.564678412404684, 44.62330905210132], [11.564678412404684, 46.78665961225736], [8.511745403606309, 46.78665961225736], [8.511745403606309, 44.62330905210132]]]}
spatial_harvester true