WMS environmental noise mapping 2017 round 3
URL: https://www.wms.nrw.de/umwelt/laerm_stufe3?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS
This service provides the round 3 noise maps for major roads with over 3 million vehicles. per year, main railway lines with more than 30,000 trains/year, major airports with more than 50,000 flights per year, in conurbations with more than 100,000 inhabitants other noise-relevant roads, railways and airports as well as industry including ports and other noise sources according to the 2002 directive /49/EG of the European Parliament and Council for North Rhine-Westphalia. The effects of noise shown on the maps are not measured, but calculated according to the provisional calculation methods for ambient noise on railways, roads, airports and industry and commerce. (VBUSch, VBUS, VBUF, VBUI). The calculations were carried out in a 10 meter grid and at a height of 4 meters. The displayed noise index LDEN (day-evening-night noise index) is a physical parameter for describing the ambient noise. It is calculated from the daytime noise index (12 day hours, LDay), evening noise index (4 rest hours, LEvening) and night noise index (8 night hours, LNight). The noise index LNight is also displayed individually.
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Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | unknown |
Metadata last updated | August 30, 2023 |
Created | unknown |
Format | view |
License | No License Provided |
Created | 2 years ago |
Issued | 2 years ago |
Modified | 2 years ago |
Uri | https://ckan.open.nrw.de/dataset/F986527E-6627-4502-A8B2-6454EBC372CB/resource/d843937e-5049-4a01-9741-6ca1bdafb307 |
Access url | https://www.wms.nrw.de/umwelt/laerm_stufe3?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS |
Distribution ref | https://ckan.open.nrw.de/dataset/F986527E-6627-4502-A8B2-6454EBC372CB/resource/d843937e-5049-4a01-9741-6ca1bdafb307 |
Id | a63636ad-3c58-40ba-9869-9cc73e8bb1a2 |
License | http://dcat-ap.de/def/licenses/dl-zero-de/2.0 |
Package id | 07757814-7e38-4aee-8b4b-424cb6913d15 |
Position | 7 |
State | active |