Disposal calendar 2021 of the Münster waste...
URL: https://opendata.stadt-muenster.de/sites/default/files/awm_abfuhrdaten_20200903_145655.zip
On this page you will find the disposal calendar 2021 of the AWM Münster in machine-readable CSV format. This data set will be made available to you in of the open data strategy of the city administration of Münster made available under an open license for free further use. You can use this data, for example, to create your own applications. If you use a If you are looking for a collection calendar to print out or for online research, you can click HERE to go to the AWM Münster homepage. (You must first click on "Removal dates" there and then enter the desired street name. You will then be offered the corresponding calendar for download) The CSV data record "Disposal calendar 2021" contains the fortnightly and weekly regular collection dates, as well as other regular collection dates according to the following list: Residual waste bin (grey) Paper bin (blue) Organic bin (brown) AWM recycling bin (orange) Bulky goods (please leave on the street by 7:00 a.m.) The file contains the following columns: ZIP City Street Date Termin_vom (if the date differs from the usual schedule, e.g. because of a holiday) Type of garbage (according to the list above) Due to the file size (26MB), the CSV file is also compressed as a ZIP archive. Keywords: Garbage collection, garbage can To download the disposal calendar as a ZIP-packed CSV file please click on the following link:
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Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | unknown |
Metadata last updated | August 30, 2023 |
Created | unknown |
Format | http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/ZIP |
License | No License Provided |
Created | 2 years ago |
Download url | https://opendata.stadt-muenster.de/sites/default/files/awm_abfuhrdaten_20200903_145655.zip |
Issued | 2020-09-23T16:36:48+02:00 |
Media type | application/zip |
Modified | 2021-11-15T17:50:45+01:00 |
Size | 1,551,420 |
Uri | https://opendata.stadt-muenster.de/dataset/entsorgungskalender-2021-der-abfallwirtschaftsbetriebe-m%C3%BCnster-awm/resource/3f9258e0-2966 |
Access url | https://opendata.stadt-muenster.de/dataset/entsorgungskalender-2021-der-abfallwirtschaftsbetriebe-m%C3%BCnster-awm/resource/3f9258e0-2966 |
Distribution ref | https://opendata.stadt-muenster.de/dataset/entsorgungskalender-2021-der-abfallwirtschaftsbetriebe-m%C3%BCnster-awm/resource/3f9258e0-2966 |
Documentation | ["https://opendata.stadt-muenster.de/dataset/entsorgungskalender-2021-der-abfallwirtschaftsbetriebe-m%C3%BCnster-awm/resource/3f9258e0-2966"] |
Hash | 8bad73facb4a1a6e38ee9521c6119379 |
Hash algorithm | http://dcat-ap.de/def/hashAlgorithms/md/5 |
Id | f4417bbe-f955-4697-91a4-7964cb9fa12a |
License | http://dcat-ap.de/def/licenses/other-closed |
Package id | 0b978104-c419-46ba-a0ca-24472120151d |
State | active |