POSAS Population by Gender, Age and Marital Status in the Municipality of Milan

The POSAS survey (municipal resident population by gender, year of birth and marital status) concerns the entire resident population registered in the registry office divided by gender, year of birth and marital status.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Maintainer Lombardy region
Last Updated April 28, 2023, 13:05 (UTC)
Created April 23, 2023, 02:38 (UTC)
Alternate identifier []
Conforms to []
Frequency IRREG
Group Geography & Environment
Identifier DS595
Language ITA
Modified 01-04-2021
Publisher name PolyS-Lombardy
Subgroup Demography
Theme [{"subthemes": ["http://eurovoc.europa.eu/100210"], "theme": "SOCI"}]
creator [{"creator_identifier": "80050050154", "creator_name": {"en": "Lombardy Region", "it": "Lombardy Region"}}]
geographical_geonames_url https://www.geonames.org/3173435
geographical_name ITA_MIL
harvest_object_id d41d13ca-058a-422d-8792-1c252819e5cf
harvest_source_id 46dc7392-5467-4538-8206-63cda4ff68c8
harvest_source_title Municipality of Milan - Open Data Portal
holder_identifier 01199250158
holder_name the municipality of Milan
is_version_of https://www.dati.lombardia.it/Statistica/POSAS-Popolazione-Per-Sesso-Et-E-Stato-Civile-nel-/a8g4-85yd
publisher_identifier 07221390961
temporal_coverage [{"temporal_end": "2017-12-31", "temporal_start": "2011-01-01"}]