Cultural centers locations in Flanders and Brussels via POI service

Location, address details, contact details and link to detailed pages of the subsidized locations of cultural centers in Flanders. The data is updated monthly. Data from the Department of Culture, Youth and Media - Department of Social-Cultural Work.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated April 6, 2023, 13:55 (UTC)
Created April 6, 2023, 13:55 (UTC)
GUID 7fa554f2-2580-466e-b50f-d992c2a62e1d
access_constraints ["The data is protected by copyright. If you want to use the data in any other way than the one mentioned here, you should contact the owner of the data.", "Source reference: \"Source: Dept. CJM\""]
bbox-east-long 5.92
bbox-north-lat 51.51
bbox-south-lat 50.67
bbox-west-long 2.53
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "creation", "value": "2016-05-09"}, {"type": "revision", "value": "2019-03-13"}, {"type": "publication", "value": "2019-03-13"}]
licence []
lineage Creation of the culture center locations in Flanders as points of interest. The content quality of the data is comparable to that of the address list of the Department of Culture, Youth and Media. Existing features may be missing as a POI. If the user wishes to report an error in the address of the facility or missing facility, this can be done with the data owner.
metadata-date 2023-03-27
metadata-language i have
progress onGoing
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "", "roles": ["distributor", "owner", "custodian"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[2.53, 50.67], [5.92, 50.67], [5.92, 51.51], [2.53, 51.51], [2.53, 50.67]]]}
spatial_harvester true
temporal-extent-begin 2016-04-04
temporal-extent-end 2019-03-13