Storage areas for micromobility offers
The database includes the previously set up parking areas in public and publicly accessible space for micromobility rental vehicles. Those using the rental vehicles should... -
Storage areas for micromobility offers
The database includes the previously set up parking areas in public and publicly accessible space for micromobility rental vehicles. Those using the rental vehicles should... -
Geological overview map of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:200,000 (GÜK200)...
Blatt Stuttgart-Nord is almost completely occupied by the southern German escarpment landscape. The southern part of the Odenwald is shown in the north-west corner of the map... -
Test area points NRW
This map layer contains the representation of forestry test areas in North Rhine-Westphalia. The test areas are used for long-term scientific forest research, e.g. B. on forest... -
2013: Groundwater depth [m] outside the quart. Elbtal-GWL
2013: Groundwater depth [m] outside the quart. Elbtal-GWL The groundwater table distances shown outside the quaternary Elbtal aquifer come from the hydrogeological special map... -
The pedestrian network is a node-edge model of Berlin's footpaths. It is a separate, independent and equal network alongside the detailed network. The two networks differ in... -
Ongoing development plan procedures in Wuppertal
The data set includes the spatial scope of the (as of 01/2021) 93 non-legally binding development plans (B-plans) of the city of Wuppertal according to Section 2 (1) of the... -
Soil overview map 1:200,000 (BÜK200) - CC7918 Stuttgart-Süd
The soil overview map 1:200,000 (BÜK200) is prepared by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) in cooperation with the State Geological Services (SGD)... -
Traffic levels in Hamburg
Traffic counts are carried out at regular intervals in the Hamburg area. The results of these counts are primarily used for traffic planning and to determine traffic development... -
Soil overview map 1:200,000 (BÜK200) - CC7134 Regensburg
The soil overview map 1:200,000 (BÜK200) is prepared by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) in cooperation with the State Geological Services (SGD)... -
Berlin around 1986
Scan of the map "Berlin around 1986" from the publication: "Urban development of Berlin since 1650 in maps" -
Group Layer Habitat Types (Area, Lines, Point)
The habitats are recorded in the specialist topic biotope types as part of the biotope mapping and are presented differently according to their characteristics -
Map layer road, night level LNight
Outside the metropolitan areas, main roads (motorways, federal and state roads) with a traffic volume of over 3 million vehicles per year are to be mapped. In addition, other... -
Soil overview map 1:200,000 (BÜK200) - CC4726 Goslar
The soil overview map 1:200,000 (BÜK200) is prepared by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) in cooperation with the State Geological Services (SGD)... -
Berlin around 1800
Scan of the map "Berlin around 1800" from the publication: "Urban development of Berlin since 1650 in maps" -
Digital color TrueOrthophotos 2022 (DOP20RGBI)
The data are color digital true orthophotomosaics (TrueDOP). With TrueDOP, all objects are displayed true to position, i. H. there is no tilting of buildings or trees, so there... -
Consideration of uneven terrain when determining the chimney height according...
Location-dependent minimum values in meters above ground to which the chimney height should be increased according to TA Luft 2021 number paragraph 5 to take uneven... -
Annual totals 1961-2022 of the urban direct runoff (qud) from mGROWA in mm, 1...
Download of the database from the water balance model mGROWA (Research Center Jülich on behalf of LANUV) as a reference data set for the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia... -
Group layer vegetation types (area, point)
Important note: The data set is updated daily under OpenData NRW! The vegetation types map layer of the Web Map Services Landscape Information Collection (WMS LINFOS) shows the... -
Temporal Digital Surface Model 50 NW
The temporal digital surface model (tDOM) corresponds to the difference between two time sections of digital surface models (DOM). The tDOM database is comprehensive and uses a...