Thermal baths and adventure pools
Here you will find a selection of thermal baths and adventure pools in Bavaria. If you are missing a specific bathroom, please send an e-mail to: service@geodaten.bayern.de or... -
Electricity from hydropower - installed capacity per inhabitant (Reg.-Bez.)
Total installed capacity of hydroelectric power plants per inhabitant per administrative district in Bavaria. -
The mountain bike trail network includes all signposted mountain bike trails. The mountain bike trails can be downloaded in shape format. The shape format is available on the... -
Electricity from wind energy - installed capacity per inhabitant (district)
Total installed capacity of wind turbines per inhabitant per district in Bavaria. -
Aircraft noise - level grid LDEN - mapping 2017
The data includes the calculation results of the 2017 environmental noise mapping at the major Bavarian airports in Munich and Nuremberg. Noise calculation according to the... -
Digital Basic Landscape Model (ATKIS®)
The ATKIS® Basis-DLM describes the topographical objects of the landscape in vector format. The objects are defined by their spatial position, their geometric type, descriptive... -
Sunshine duration annual total
The dataset "Duration of sunshine in Bavaria" consists of 13 layers. The layers show the sunshine duration for each month as an average daily value. The sunshine duration for... -
3D building model LoD2
The three-dimensional building model in Level of Detail 2 (LoD2) is a simple block model, so-called block model, and contains 15 attributes according to the specifications of... -
Hydroelectricity - Statistics (Bay.)
Statistical data on hydropower in Bavaria. -
Hydrogeological Map 1:500,000 - Hydrogeological Units
Distribution of the hydrogeological units as a specialist layer of the hydrogeological map 1: 500,000. Zoom limitation min. 1:1,000,000 to max. 1:200,000. A hydrogeological unit... -
Contact person for deep geothermal energy
Contact persons who provide information and/or advice on the subject of "deep geothermal energy" and/or provide information on funding. -
Hydrogeological Map 1:500,000 - Distribution of relevant aquifers
Distribution of the relevant aquifers as a specialist layer of the hydrogeological map 1:500,000. The presentation together with the separate specialist layers of groundwater... -
Landscape protection areas primarily serve to protect the ecosystem and its functionality. -
Waste heat sinks (currently only Rottal-Inn district)
Exemplary representation of waste heat sinks from the model project "Heat map" of the StMUG, limited to the district of Rottal-Inn. -
Power generation systems are shown that use combined heat and power and produce electricity and heat accordingly - so-called "CHP systems". These are fossil heating (power)... -
Digital Geological Map of Bavaria 1:25,000 (dGK25)
The digital geological map of Bavaria 1:25,000 (dGK25) refers to the digital, area-wide, actively maintained database of the geological map of Bavaria 1:25,000. It thus... -
Electricity from wind energy - installed capacity per ha (district)
Total installed capacity of wind turbines per hectare per district in Bavaria. -
Temperature distribution in southern Bavaria at 3000m below sea level (°C)
Temperature distribution at different depths below sea level (250m, 500m, 750m, 1000m, 1500m, 2000m and 3000m below sea level); Temperatures in °C -
The Bavarian surveying authority has determined the centers of Bavaria, all counties and administrative districts using the center of gravity method. The EU center is calculated... -
Global radiation in August
The map shows the mean monthly values for global radiation in kWh/m². The higher the global radiation at the location, the more suitable it is - in principle - for the use of...