Practical examples of biomass
Practical examples that have so far been recorded on the subject of biomass in the Energy Atlas of Bavaria. The projects were implemented on site by citizens, municipalities or... -
Share of renewable energies in electricity consumption (Reg.-Bez.)
Share of electricity from renewable energies in electricity consumption per administrative district in Bavaria. -
Here you will find a selection of summer toboggan runs in Bavaria. The data is provided by the Bavarian Surveying Administration (BVV). If you have any questions, please contact... -
Practical examples waste heat
Practical examples that have so far been recorded on the subject of waste heat in the Energy Atlas of Bavaria. The projects were implemented on site by citizens, municipalities... -
Duration of sunshine in March
The dataset "Duration of sunshine in Bavaria" consists of 13 layers. The layers show the sunshine duration for each month as an average daily value. The sunshine duration for... -
Noise in metropolitan areas - IED systems - level grid LNight - mapping 2017
The data includes the calculation results of the 2017 environmental noise mapping in the metropolitan areas in Bavaria. These are all cities in Bavaria with more than 100,000... -
Gefahrenhinweisbereich großflächige Senkungsgebiete
A large-scale subsidence takes place in the Bad Reichenhall basin (Starzmann 1979:114). This subsidence area was demarcated on the basis of the site plan contained in this... -
Practical examples of near-surface geothermal energy
Practical examples that have so far been included in the Energy Atlas of Bavaria on the subject of near-surface geothermal energy and contaminated sites. They have been... -
Noise on main roads - Isophones LDEN 67 dB(A) - Mapping 2017
The data includes the calculation results of the 2017 environmental noise mapping on the main roads in Bavaria. Outside of metropolitan areas, these are all motorways, federal... -
Digital hydrogeological map 1:100,000 - Distribution of groundwater levels (s...
Distribution of the groundwater stocks as a specialist layer of the digital hydrogeological map 1:100,000. The presentation together with the separate specialist layers... -
Digital map of Bavaria
The digital local map of Bavaria (DOK) is a detailed, up-to-date topographical map in raster data format at a scale of 1:10,000. The DOK contains all roads, paths, railways,... -
Temperature distribution in northern Bavaria at 750m below ground (°C)
Temperature distribution at different depth levels below ground (750m, 1,000m, 1,250m and 1,500m below ground); Temperatures in °C -
Actual Usage
Actual use represents floor space and describes how land and soil is currently being used on site. Actual use is managed as part of the basic database of ALKIS and includes... -
Digital hydrogeological map 1:100,000 - groundwater levels
Groundwater levels of important aquifers as a specialist layer of the digital hydrogeological map 1:100,000. It is recommended to display them together with the separate... -
Global Radiation in November
The map shows the mean monthly values for global radiation in kWh/m². The higher the global radiation at the location, the more suitable it is - in principle - for the use of... -
Here you will find a selection of open-air museums in Bavaria. The data is provided by the Bavarian Surveying Administration (BVV). If you have any questions, please contact... -
Electricity from hydropower - installed output per ha (district)
Total installed capacity of hydroelectric power plants per hectare per district in Bavaria. -
Here you will find a selection of amusement parks in Bavaria. The data is provided by the Bavarian Surveying Administration (BVV). If you have any questions, please contact... -
Electricity from wind energy - Installed capacity per inhabitant (Acc.)
Total installed capacity of wind turbines per inhabitant per municipality in Bavaria. -
Share of bioenergy in electricity consumption (district)
Proportion of electricity from bioenergy in electricity consumption per district in Bavaria.