Groundwater quality chemical oxygen consumption (environmental atlas)
Groundwater quality chemical oxygen consumption (environmental atlas) -
Naturalness of soils 2015 (environmental atlas)
Representation of the naturalness of the soils on the basis of blocks and block sections, 1 : 5,000, as of 2015. -
Groundwater quality Bor (environmental atlas)
Representation of the boron concentration in the groundwater, 1 : 50,000, as of 2003. -
Groundwater quality Bor (environmental atlas)
Groundwater quality Bor (environmental atlas) -
Filtering capacity of soils 2015 (environmental atlas)
Representation of the filtering capacity of the soils on the basis of block and block area, 1 : 5,000, as of 2015. -
Green and open space inventory 2020 (environmental atlas)
Representation of the green and open space stock in 10 categories based on the block map 1: 5,000 of the information system city and environment (ISU5), factual data as of... -
Amount of humus in the soil 2015 (environmental atlas)
Representation of the amount of humus in the soil on the basis of blocks and blocks, 1 : 5,000, as of 2015. -
Groundwater temperature 40m below ground surface 2020 (environmental atlas)
Distribution of groundwater temperature at 40 m below ground level. The map is based on measurements at 210 measuring points. Both current temperature measurements from 2020 and... -
Geothermal potential - spec. Extraction capacity up to 80 m, for 2400 h/a (ar...
Factual data on the map of the geothermal potential of Berlin with the distribution of the specific extraction capacity in W/m for boreholes up to a depth of 80 m and 2400... -
Geothermal potential - specific thermal conductivity up to 60 m (areas)
Factual data on the areal distribution of the specific thermal conductivity in W/mK up to 60 m depending on the geological layer sequence at the location. -
Long-term mean air temperature winter 1981-2010 (environmental atlas)
Long-term distribution of mean air temperatures at a height of 2 m in winter in Berlin and the surrounding area. The 30-year mean temperature was calculated on the basis of the... -
Sealing 2021 - block and partial block areas (environmental atlas)
Sealing of block and partial block areas in 10% steps, determined from satellite image data (Sentinel-2B, undeveloped area) and building data (developed area), as well as road... -
Real Use and Vegetation Cover 2020 (Environmental Atlas)
Representation of the real use of the built-up areas and the use of green and open spaces based on the block map 1:5,000 of the Information System City and Environment (ISU5).... -
Green and open space inventory 2021 (environmental atlas)
Representation of the green and open space inventory in 10 categories based on the block map 1: 5,000 of the information system city and environment (ISU5), factual data as of... -
Long-term mean air temperature spring 1981-2010 - isolines (environmental atlas)
Lines of the same air temperature in spring (smoothed) in °C, determined from the long-term annual mean from 1981-2010. -
Geothermal potential - spec. Extraction capacity up to 100 m, for 2400 h/a (d...
Factual data on the map of the geothermal potential of Berlin with the distribution of the specific extraction capacity in W/m for boreholes up to 100 m deep and 2400 annual... -
Geothermal potential - specific thermal conductivity up to 60 m (drilling poi...
Drilling points for the map of the geothermal potential of Berlin with the distribution of the specific thermal conductivity in W/mK up to 60m. -
Geothermal potential - spec. Extraction capacity up to 40 m, for 2400 h/a (dr...
Factual data on the map of the geothermal potential of Berlin with the distribution of the specific extraction capacity in W/m for boreholes up to a depth of 40 m and 2400... -
Real use 2021 (environmental atlas)
Representation of the real use of the built-up areas and the use of green and open spaces based on the block map 1 : 5,000 of the Information System City and Environment (ISU5).... -
Strat. noise map L N (night index) road traffic 2022 (environmental atlas)
The Strategic Noise Maps 2022 provide information about the noise pollution in the area affected by the main noise sources. They are a continuation of the Strategic Noise Maps...