National potential of aquathermal energy: analysis and review of the possibil...
However, one of the options that has received limited attention in the heat transition to date is aquathermal energy. In this national study, CE Delft and Deltares have... -
Promising areas for shallow geothermal energy (Breda formation)
This map layer contains calculated clusters based on the grid level heat demand map. Based on this map and the lower limit of 1,000 GJ/ha/year, a selection of areas has been...- https://data.overheid.nl/format/unknown
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Sundial - Owned by State, Provincial and Railroads
Source Data - Owned along State, Provincial, and Railroads. Data is used for the Sundial Atlas, for estimating the number of panels that can be placed on roofs and any other... -
Energy consumption overview of the Lichtenberg delivery points 2019
The regularly evaluated energy consumption of the district-managed buildings is published annually in accordance with the Berlin Energy Transition Act. The consumption data from... -
Kansrijke gebieden voor ondiepe geothermie (formatie van Brussel)
Deze kaartlaag bevat berekende clusters aan de hand van de warmtevraag kaart op rasterniveau. Aan de hand van deze kaart en de ondergrens van 1.000GJ/ha/jaar is een selectie van...- https://data.overheid.nl/format/unknown
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/HTML
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/WFS_SRVC
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/WMS_SRVC
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/JPEG
Storage potential in the Breda formation
With high temperature storage (HTO) a permeable package is used to store (a surplus of) hot water, so that it can be extracted when needed. Usually two different temperatures... -
Energy in the picture (history)
The dataset contains information about consumption and generation of energy per postcode4 area (2013)