DBTR - Sea area (Sottoarea) - (MAR_GPGSA)
It represents portions of sea areas, adjacent to the marine coastline, whose acquisition is significant (e.g. due to the presence of defense works or other artefacts, islands or... -
DBTR - Body of Water (Boundary) - (SDA_GLIBN)
Includes surface water bodies characterized by slowly changing or stagnant water; it can be natural or generated by retention works, it can be connected or not connected to the... -
DBTR - Argine (Sottoarea) - (ARG_GPGSA)
Corresponds to the forms of retention and collection of water. This class describes the artificial embankments of both natural and artificial watercourses, the management works... -
DBTR - Diga (Sottoarea) - (DIG_GPGSA)
Hydraulic structure built along a watercourse with the aim of regulating its flow downstream and the level upstream or to create a reservoir or artificial lake to accumulate... -
WMS of the XDBTR (Series of data that supports and integrates the Regional Topographic Data Base (DBTR) - Emilia-Romagna Region) -
Topographic Data Base means the reference base built starting from the "traditional" contents of a technical map obtainable with the large-medium scale stereorestitution... -
DBTR2008 - Number - (PAL_GPT)
Entities consisting of simple poles in wood or other material but which are never constituted by a reticular type structure or in any case with a considerable section are... -
DBTR - Pasture or Fallow - (PAI_GPG)
Portion of territory mainly characterized by the presence of herbaceous vegetation and shrubs intended for free grazing of domestic animals, governed or not by man -
DBTR - Transportation Artifact - (MTR_GPG)
It includes works for furnishing the road platform, and land surfaces equipped for different modes of transport -
DBTR - Cycle traffic area (Sub-area) - (ACI_GPGSA)
Area used for the circulation of bicycles (Sub-area). -
DBTR - Municipal road toponym - (TPS_GLI)
The street name has a dual function: on the one hand it identifies an area of the municipal territory where, in addition to the area more specifically used for the circulation... -
DBTR - Landslide edge - (OCF_GLI)
Edge of gully or landslide. -
DBTR - Road - (STR_GLI)
Corresponds to the portion of the road network identified as a single object by the owner of the road itself (this class is aimed at establishing the Road Cadastre according to... -
Topographic Data Base means the reference base built starting from the "traditional" contents of a technical map obtainable with the large-medium scale stereorestitution... -
DBTR - Sorgent - (SOR_GPT)
It includes springs, resurgences and fountains. -
DBTR - Undifferentiated anthropized area - (AZI_GPG)
Qualification of areas, generally in urban areas and pertaining to buildings, whose anthropisation structure is not described in detail (presence of flowerbeds, driveways,... -
DBTR - Water element (Trait) - (CDA_GLITR)
It is introduced as an attribute to stretches of the water course for both natural and artificial watercourses and is modeled through the centerline; each section of this center... -
Regional Technical Paper - 1:5.000 - MonoFull - DBTR2008 (WMS)
WMS of the Regional Technical Paper 1:5.000 taken from DBTR2008 (Full Version) - Emilia-Romagna Region. -
DBTR - Secondary mixed traffic area - (AVS_GPG)
It corresponds to the types of roads known as "secondary", in general it is not affected by superstructures and road works. The type of transport that develops there can be... -
DBTR - Trail - (SEN_GLI)
It includes regional footpath routes