Macrozoobenthos monitoring network of marine-coastal waters (Legislative Decr...
Macrozoobenthos monitoring network, pursuant to Legislative Decree 152/06. The stations are located approximately 1 and 3 km from the coast along the transects of P. Garibaldi,... -
Coastal defense works - 1982
The 'Catalogue of defense works' contains information relating to the coastal protections present both at sea and in the hinterland of the Emilia-Romagna coast. These works have... -
Coast Line - Coast Line 2005
Mapping and classification of the shore line, according to the RER methodology, based on aerial photos. Field testing has not been carried out. -
Biological Protection Area of coastal marine waters
Biological protection area of marine waters called "Area outside Ravenna" established with Ministerial Decree. of 16/03/2004 and modified with Ministerial Decree. of... -
Shoreline 2018
Shore line (level curve at zero altitude above sea level) of the Emilia-Romagna coastline detected in 2018 with dual-frequency GNSS satellite receivers, in RTK-OTF mode with... -
Orthophotoplan RER Flight 1976-78 (Coast) - Filming 1976-78
Color images (RGB) from aerial photography in digital orthoprojection with 50 cm pixels. The survey was carried out across the entire regional territory in the period 1976-78,... -
Bathymetries of the Adriatic - 2014 edition
Bathymetry of the Adriatic in front of the Emilia-Romagna coast with level curves every meter - year of edition 2014 -
DBTR - Sea area (Sottoarea) - (MAR_GPGSA)
It represents portions of sea areas, adjacent to the marine coastline, whose acquisition is significant (e.g. due to the presence of defense works or other artefacts, islands or... -
Ports and landing places in Emilia-Romagna - Ports, landing places and marinas
Ports, landing places and marinas of Emilia-Romagna -
Isobate Adriatico RER - RER surveys 2000
Bathymetric curves in digital (vector) format created through different procedures in relation to the type of original data: 1) by digitization from bathymetric maps available... -
Shellfish production and harvesting areas - Type B - farms - adj. 2021
Farmed production areas of live bivalve molluscs and marine gastropods in which harvesting and placing on the market for human consumption is permitted only after treatment in a... -
Buffer zones - buffer zone for shellfish farming
navigation, parking, anchoring and fishing are prohibited in the stretches of water occupied by mussel farming plants; it is also forbidden to approach less than 500m from the... -
Military assets in the marine-coastal area - Area Echo346
In the area in front of the mouth of the Reno River (A1-B1) and Porto Garibaldi (A2 - B2), there is a vast military area for land-sea shooting exercises. Periodic ordinances... -
Coastal land use - Coastal land use 1998
Mapping and classification of land use characteristics of the coastal area of Emilia-Romagna, based on orthorectified aerial photos. Field testing has not been performed. -
Coastal geomorphology
Mapping and classification of the geomorphological characteristics of the coastal area of Emilia-Romagna, mainly carried out through the photo-interpretation of orthorectified... -
Shellfish production and harvesting areas - Type B - farms - adj. 2014
Farmed production areas of live bivalve molluscs and marine gastropods in which harvesting and placing on the market for human consumption is permitted only after treatment in a... -
Coastal management cells with ASE and ASPE indicators (2006-2012)
Polygonal representation of coastal coastal management cells with coast evolution indicators: ASPE - (Accumulation, Stable, Precarious balance, Erosion) indicator that describes... -
Military assets in the marine-coastal area - Area Echo345
In the area in front of the coast of Riccione, there is a vast military area for land-sea shooting exercises. At the moment it is not used, therefore there are no specific... -
Macrozoobenthos monitoring network of marine-coastal waters (Legislative Decr...
Macrozoobenthos monitoring network, pursuant to Legislative Decree 152/06. The stations are located about 1 and 3 km from the coast along the transects of P. Garibaldi, L.... -
Submerged artificial reefs for fish restocking
Artificial barriers, i.e. submerged structures which, installed on mobile seabeds, attract the local fauna thanks to visual, acoustic and chemical stimuli, and/or due to the...