Digital color TrueOrthophotos 2022 (DOP20RGBI)
The data are color digital true orthophotomosaics (TrueDOP). With TrueDOP, all objects are displayed true to position, i. H. there is no tilting of buildings or trees, so there... -
Geological sketch (environmental atlas)
Data of the geological sketch from the ground surface up to a depth of 2 m, in exceptional cases up to 5 m. -
World Heritage Sites Berlin
The Berlin World Heritage Map includes the World Heritage areas and the buffer zones, as well as the architectural and garden monuments of Berlin located in the World Heritage... -
Digital color TrueOrthophotos 2022 (DOP20RGBI)
The data are color digital true orthophotomosaics (TrueDOP). With TrueDOP, all objects are displayed true to position, i. H. there is no tilting of buildings or trees, so there... -
Groundwater temperature 2020 (environmental atlas)
Distribution of groundwater temperature at 20 m below ground level. The maps are based on measurements at 140-223 measuring points. Both current temperature measurements from... -
CO2 emissions from plants according to the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading A...
Information and emissions data on systems that require approval according to the 4th BImSchV, which are subject to the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Act (TEHG). The data set... -
Monument map Berlin
Cartographic representation of the monument positions listed in the Berlin Monument List. The classification and color representation follows the categories of monuments listed... -
Production and industrial plants in the INSPIRE data model (IFAS combustion p...
Shown are the production sites of Berlin furnaces, which are overseen by the State Office for Occupational Safety, Health Protection and Technical Safety. They are described by... -
Protected areas in the INSPIRE data model (monuments)
The protected areas represent the monuments and are described by attributes of the INSPIRE data model "protected areas". -
Systems/ancillary systems requiring approval according to § 4 BImSchG (enviro...
Factual data on systems in the state of Berlin that require approval according to Sections 4 et seq. of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG). -
Police Directorates and Police Sections
Spatial layout of the directorates, sections and contact areas as well as locations of the Berlin police stations -
Groundwater balances 2020 (environmental atlas)
Groundwater Level Map of Main Aquifer and Panketal Aquifer for May 2020 -
Regional setting Drinking water protection areas according to DGLG for Schles...
Decisive for the implementation of the Permanent Grassland Preservation Act (DGLG) is the current plot-specific delimitation of the drinking water protection areas in... -
Water body map with factual data from the body of water directory within the meaning of the BWG, including the official body of water numbers in Berlin, according to the... -
Protected areas in the INSPIRE data model (protected areas under nature conse...
The protected areas represent the Berlin protected areas according to nature conservation law including Natura 2000. They are described by attributes of the INSPIRE data model... -
3D building models in Level of Detail 2 (LoD 2)
The data set contains the three-dimensional building models of the State of Berlin in Level of Detail 2 (LoD2). The floor plans of the building models correspond exactly to the... -
The map shows the cycling facilities consisting of cycle paths, cycle lanes, protective lanes and special bus lanes, with and without shared use by cyclists. -
Buildings in the INSPIRE data model
The geographical locations of the Berlin buildings in the real estate cadastre are shown. They are described by attributes of the INSPIRE data model "Building". -
Medium-Scale Agricultural Site Mapping (MMK)
The medium-scale agricultural site mapping was developed in the former GDR in the 1970s as a basic pedological work for agriculture. In Berlin, only the agricultural areas in... -
Long-term average air temperature 1981-2010 (environmental atlas)
Long-term distribution of mean air temperatures at a height of 2 m in Berlin and the surrounding area (entire year, spring, summer, autumn, winter). The 30-year mean temperature...