Travel routes Flemish transport company De Lijn, status 13/11/2023
Overview of travel routes (fixed connecting routes in one direction or the other) of vehicles (buses, trams) of the Flemish transport company De Lijn. Only public journeys are... -
Reiswegen Vlaamse vervoersmaatschappij De Lijn, toestand 16/05/2023
Overzicht van reiswegen (vaste verbindingstrajecten in de ene of de andere richting) van voertuigen (bussen, trams) van de Vlaamse vervoersmaatschappij De Lijn.Alleen de... -
WMS Vervoersmaatschappij De Lijn
Web Map Service met data van de Vervoersmaatschappij De Lijn. -
Stops Flemish transport company De Lijn, status 16/05/2023
Overview of the public stops served by buses and trams of the Flemish Transport Company De Lijn, where travelers can get on or off. -
WMS Transport Company De Lijn
Web Map Service with data from the Transport Company De Lijn. -
Coach parking Hamburg
The data set contains the location of the coach parking spaces in the Hamburg city area. As a rule, the places in the locality are marked and signposted. The data is updated on... -
Flemish transport company De Lijn stops, status 16/05/2023
Overview of the public bus stops served by buses and trams of the Flemish transport company De Lijn, where travelers can get on or off. -
Travel routes Flemish transport company De Lijn, status 16/05/2023
Overview of travel routes (fixed connecting routes in one direction or the other) of vehicles (buses, trams) of the Flemish transport company De Lijn. Only public journeys are... -
Bus stops along provincial roads
Here is an overview of the bus stops managed by DBI. -
Flemish transport company De Lijn stops, status 16/05/2023
Overview of the public stops served by buses and trams of the Flemish transport company De Lijn, where travelers can get on or off. -
Travel routes Flemish transport company De Lijn, status 16/05/2023
Overview of travel routes (fixed connecting routes in one or the other direction) of vehicles (buses, trams) of the Flemish transport company De Lijn. Only public journeys are... -
WMS Transport company De Lijn
Web Map Service with data from the De Lijn transport company. -
WMS Transport company De Lijn
Web Map Service with data from the De Lijn transport company. -
Travel routes Flemish transport company De Lijn, status 16/05/2023
Overview of travel routes (fixed connecting routes in one direction or the other) of vehicles (buses, trams) of the Flemish transport company De Lijn. Only public journeys are... -
Flemish transport company De Lijn stops, status 16/05/2023
Overview of the public bus stops served by buses and trams of the Flemish transport company De Lijn, where travelers can get on or off. -
POIs of the bus parking lots in the city of Trier -
Stops Flemish transport company De Lijn, status 24/03/2023
Overview of the public bus stops served by buses and trams of the Flemish transport company De Lijn, where travelers can get on or off. -
Travel routes Flemish transport company De Lijn, status 24/03/2023
Overview of travel routes (fixed connecting routes in one direction or the other) of vehicles (buses, trams) of the Flemish transport company De Lijn. Only public journeys are...