Polychlorobiphenyl No. 153 in dry sediment - series
As part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas + other monitoring programs, the parameter "Polychlorobiphenyl No. 153 in dry sediment" was... -
Water content (pore water) in the sediment 2017
As part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas + other monitoring programs, the parameter "water content (pore water) in the sediment" was... -
Acenaphthylene in seawater - series
As part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas + other monitoring programs, the parameter “acenaphthylene in seawater” was determined in... -
Chromium in dry sediment 2017
As part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas + other monitoring programs, the parameter “chromium in dry sediment” was determined in the... -
Salinity in seawater 2017
As part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas + other monitoring programs, the parameter "salinity in seawater" was determined in seawater. -
Alkanes, docosane, aliphatic. Hydrocarbons (22 carbon atoms) in seawater 2017
As part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas + other monitoring programs, the parameter "alkanes, docosane, aliphatic hydrocarbons (22... -
dissolved organic nitrogen in seawater. DN-(NO3+NO2+NH4) 2017
As part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas + other monitoring programs, the parameter "dissolved organic nitrogen in seawater.... -
Alkanes, nonadecane, aliphatic. Hydrocarbons (19 carbon atoms) in seawater - ...
As part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas + other monitoring programs, the parameter "alkanes, nonadecane, aliphatic hydrocarbons (19... -
Mercury in dry sediment 2017
As part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas + other monitoring programs, the parameter “Mercury in dry sediment” was determined in the... -
beta-hexachlorocyclohexane in seawater - series
As part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas + other monitoring programs, the parameter "beta-hexachlorocyclohexane in seawater" was... -
Anthracene in dry sediment 2017
As part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas + other monitoring programs, the parameter “anthracene in dry sediment” was determined in... -
Chromium in dry sediment - series
As part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas + other monitoring programs, the parameter “chromium in dry sediment” was determined in the... -
CS-137 in seawater North Sea August 2017
Cs-137 in the seawater of the North Sea - The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) only provides a limited selection of data on radioactivity in the North and Baltic... -
Benz(e)pyrene in seawater - series
As part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas + other monitoring programs, the parameter "Benz(e)pyrene in seawater" was determined in... -
Benz(k)fluoranthene in dry sediment 2017
As part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas + other monitoring programs, the parameter "Benz(k)fluoranthene in dry sediment" was... -
Alkanes, nonadecane, aliphatic. Hydrocarbons (19 carbon atoms) in seawater 2017
As part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas + other monitoring programs, the parameter "alkanes, nonadecane, aliphatic hydrocarbons (19... -
Alkanes, heneicosane, aliphatic. Hydrocarbons (21 carbon atoms) in seawater -...
As part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas + other monitoring programs, the parameter "alkanes, heneicosan, aliphatic hydrocarbons (21... -
Mercury in sea water - series
As part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas + other monitoring programs, the parameter "Mercury in seawater" was determined in seawater. -
Beta-hexachlorocyclohexane in dry sediment 2017
As part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas + other monitoring programs, the parameter "beta-hexachlorocyclohexane in dry sediment" was... -
Total trimethylphenanthrene in dry sediment 2017
As part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas + other monitoring programs, the parameter “Sum of trimethylphenanthrene in dry sediment”...