Ortofoto AGEA 2020 NIR (WMS)
WMS of AGEA Orthophotos 2020 NIROrthophoto 20 cm. © 2020 AGEA -
WMS of the XDBTR (Series of data that supports and integrates the Regional Topographic Data Base (DBTR) - Emilia-Romagna Region) -
Watercourses - stretches
stretches of watercourses (beginning of the watercourse, end of the watercourse, confluence) -
Rivers 1970
Graphic representation of the natural watercourses of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, updated to 1970, as part of the MOLAND FVG project -
Rivers 1980
Graphic representation of the natural watercourses of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, updated to 1980, within the MOLAND FVG project -
Watercourses - points
representative points of the watercourses (beginning and end of the watercourse section, confluences) -
Watercourses - stretches
stretches of watercourses (beginning of the watercourse, end of the watercourse, confluence) -
Watercourses - Strahler
Strahler order of surface streams -
Hydrography - Network - NHI (INSPIRE harmonized WMS)
To INSPIRE theme Hydrography - Network harmonized National Hydrological Instrumentarium network diagrams (NHI). The network application schema contains spatial objects connected... -
Orthophoto AGEA 2019 RGB Montecopiolo Sassofeltrio (WMS)
WMS of the AGEA 2019 RGB orthophotos of the Municipalities of Montecopiolo and SassofeltrioOrthophoto 20 cm. © 2019 AGEA -
Corsi d'acqua
Il censimento del reticolo idrografico deriva dall'applicazione del decreto legislativo 11 maggio 1999, n. 152, dagli standard imposti dal decreto ministeriale del 19 agosto... -
Ortofoto AGEA 2020 NIR (WMS)
WMS of the orthophotos AGEA 2020 NIROrthophoto 20 cm. © 2020 AGEA -
Ortofoto AGEA 2011 RGB (WMS)
WMS of the AGEA 2011 RGB orthophotos -
Regional Technical Paper - 1:5.000 - MonoFull - DBTR2008 (WMS)
WMS of the Regional Technical Paper 1:5.000 taken from DBTR2008 (Full Version) - Emilia-Romagna Region. -
Physical-political paper 1:250.000 monochrome (WMS)
WMS of the latest available version of the monochrome 1:250,000 physical-political map - Emilia-Romagna Region -
DBTR Cache (WMS)
WMS of the cache map of the Regional Topographic Database 2016 - Emilia-Romagna Region -
2021 Rhine River Hydrographic Network Orthophoto NIR (WMS)
WMS of the 2021 NIR Orthophotos of the Reno River Hydrographic Network (Orthophoto 15 cm) -
Regional Topographic Database - Live (WMS)
WMS of the Regional Topographic Database in the Nightly version - Emilia-Romagna Region The Nightly version represents an area of the system for use whose data are... -
Orthophoto RER 1976-1978 (WMS)
WMS of RER orthophotos 1976-1978Orthophoto 30 cm, deriving from the scan of negatives relating to the aerial shots of 1976-1978. -
Ortofoto AGEA 2020 RGB (WMS)
WMS of orthophotos AGEA 2020 RGBOrthophoto 20 cm. © 2020 AGEA