Dataset viewing service: P.T.A.M.C. - C01 Bathymetry
The dataset contains the updated shore line in the stretches of beach and natural coast, which does not include the perimeter of the coastal maritime works, and the... -
Dataset visualization service: Regional and state Integrated Environmental Au...
The cartographic level represents the Ligurian companies with state and provincial Integrated Environmental Authorization (AIA). The Integrated Environmental Authorization (AIA)... -
Dataset visualization service: Regional Geological Map with elements of Geomo...
The surveys were carried out as part of the Regional Geological Cartography project with elements of geomorphology, with reference to the L.R. no. 7/1989 - Coverage:... -
Dataset visualization service: Regional Geological Map (CGR) sc. 1:25000 refe...
The surveys were financed and carried out as part of the Alcotra-RiskNat 2009-2012 Strategic Project. The published sheets are: 259.3 Imperia and 259.4 Diano Marina - Coverage:... -
Dataset visualization service: Algal communities according to the Carlit meth...
As foreseen by the Carlit method, the natural rocky coast has been divided into sectors of about 50 linear metres: in each sector, through a rapid visual examination, the... -
Dataset visualization service: PROTECTED AREAS AND RELATED PLANS - ed. 2023
Localization by GPS and digitization on regional technical map - The map contains the borders of the Protected Areas in Liguria and those of the areas of the park plan currently... -
Dataset visualization service: Regional Geological Map with elements of Geomo...
The surveys were carried out as part of the Regional Geological Cartography project with elements of geomorphology, with reference to the L.R. no. 7/1989 - Coverage:... -
Dataset visualization service: Color digital orthophoto Portofino Park sc. 1:...
Ground resolution 15 cm. Purchase made for the project to monitor illegal building in the Portofino Park - Coverage: Portofino Park - Origin: Digital aerophotogrammetric image,... -
Dataset visualization service: Regional Geological Map (CGR) sc. 1:25000 refe...
The surveys were financed and carried out as part of the Alcotra-RiskNat Strategic Project for the years 2009-2012. The published sheets are: 257.1 Pigna and 257.2 Dolceacqua -... -
Dataset visualization service: Regional Geological Map with elements of Geomo...
The surveys were carried out as part of the Regional Geological Cartography project with elements of geomorphology, with reference to the L.R. no. 7/1989 - Coverage:... -
Dataset visualization service: African swine fever emergency (ASF) - P.R.I.U....
The information levels concern part of the cartographic drawings of the Regional Plan of Urgent Interventions (PRIU) for the management, control and eradication of African Swine... -
Dataset visualization service: Regional Geological Map (CGR) sc. 1:25000 refe...
The surveys were financed and carried out as part of the Alcotra-RiskNat 2009-2012 Strategic Project - they concern both the land and sea parts. The published sheets are n.... -
Dataset visualization service: Registry of sites to be reclaimed
Information level associated with the Registry of Sites to be remediated pursuant to art. 251 of Legislative Decree 152/2006 and by art. 8 of the Regional Law 10/2009. The data... -
Dataset visualization service: Implementation status of municipal noise class...
The map shows the implementation status of noise classifications in the Municipalities of the Liguria Region. The municipal acoustic classification plan is the instrument... -
Dataset visualization service: Regional Map 1:25000 - GeoTopographic DB NC25
The map was created in order to complete the coverage of the Regional Map sc. 1:25000/ DB Topographic ed. 2013 implemented in collaboration with IGM as part of the agreement... -
Dataset visualization service: Protection of the bottlenose dolphin Ligurian ...
The new proposal for the delimitation of the pSIC for the protection of bottlenose dolphins in the Ligurian Sea, approved with Resolution of the Regional Council n.414 of... -
Dataset visualization service: Wooded areas with greater hydrogeological risk
The objective of the work is the creation of a cartography that provides a tool consistent with the selection criteria contained in sub-measure M08.03 - "Prevention of damage... -
Dataset visualization service: P.T.A. 2017 - ATO EST agglomerations relevant ...
The map shows the geometries of the agglomerations of the EST Territorial Area according to the criteria set out in Dgr 1154/2016 and relevant pursuant to Directive 91/271/EEC.... -
Dataset visualization service: Libraries and Archives
The map shows the georeferencing of the libraries and archives present in the Liguria Region. The data derive from the Liguria Region's official database, managed by the Culture... -
Servizio di visualizzazione del Dataset: Teatri e Cinema
La mappa riporta la georeferenziazione dei teatri e cinema presenti in Regione Liguria. I dati derivano da Data base ufficiale di Regione Liguria, gestito dal settore Cultura e...