58 datasets found

Tags: EU forest Formats: WFS

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  • Forest types

    It constitutes the collection of the geometries of the forest areas located in the territory of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. Most of these are areas occupied by woods as...
  • IAF UD checks

    GNSS surveys to control PSR contributions 2007-2013 for forestation measures (mainly poplar) under the responsibility of the Agriculture and Forestry Inspectorate of Udine
  • Forest Stations 2014

    Represents the limit of jurisdiction of the local territorial offices of the Regional Forestry Corps (CFR) as a result of the latest updates to December 2014
  • Checks

    Geodatabase of the plots on which a public contribution has been requested for a surface measure concerning lowland afforestation and in relation to which an on-the-spot check...
  • Non-forested area burned

    It is detected with GPS instruments by the Regional Forestry Stations, or with graphic editing using the orthophoto.
  • Forest roads

    Archive of the main forest road (trucks and tractors with stabilized bottom) and secondary (tracks with natural bottom) of strict forestry interest both in terms of management...
  • Starting points Camminaboschi.fvg.2

    Identification of the starting and ending points of the itineraries included in the Camminaboschi.fvg.2 Dataset
  • Forest stations 2012

    Represents the limit of jurisdiction of the local territorial offices of the Regional Forestry Corps (CFR) as a result of the latest updates to December 2012
  • Forest Stations 2018

    It represents the limit of jurisdiction of the local territorial offices of the Regional Forestry Corps (CFR) as a result of the latest updates of February 2018 with the...
  • Forest types

    It constitutes the collection of the geometries of the forest areas located in the territory of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. Most of these are areas occupied by woods as...
  • Installations

    Results of a sampling concluded in 2013 and carried out on arboriculture plants for wood (excluding poplar groves) commissioned by the Forest Management Service of the Region to...
  • Forest map and other land cover (2000)

    Geographical data relating to the Forest map and other land cover, created by IPLA on the basis of data collected during the studies for the Territorial Forestry Plans of the...
  • Land use (WFS)

    Land Use Web Feature Service (1853; 1976; 1994; 2003; 2008, 2014, 2017, 2020)
  • Non-forested area burned

    It is detected with GPS instruments by the Regional Forestry Stations, or with graphic editing using the orthophoto.
  • Forest Cableway Cadastre

    The forest cableways database was created in the 1980s by the nucleus of the Regional Forestry Corps responsible for the COR, the Regional Operations Center for the management...
  • Forest uses

    Forestry uses fvg
  • Forest stations 2020

    Represents the limit of jurisdiction of the local territorial offices (coordinations) of the Regional Forestry Corps (CFR) as a result of the latest updates in autumn 2019 with...
  • Punto inizio incendio

    Punti inizio incendi boschivi stimati o rilevati dalle Stazioni Forestali con rilievi GPS sul campo
  • Catasto Teleferiche Forestali

    La banca dati delle Teleferiche forestali nasce negli anni ’80 a cura del nucleo del Corpo Forestale Regionale responsabile del COR, Centro Operativo Regionale per la gestione...
  • Camminaboschi.fvg.2

    Itinerari volti a facilitare la fruizione turistico - escursionistica del territorio.
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