Indicates the presence of chemically precipitated deposits in the cave environment but which are found on the surface (embedded fractures, stalactites and stalagmites) -
Guardian pier
Masonry coastal defense work, transversal to the coast line and placed at the mouth of the port area. -
Riverbed in gorge
Active fluvial incision, with rock on the bottom often accompanied by erosion potholes, or with alluvial deposits of minimal power, with sub-vertical sides at least 5 meters high. -
Accumulation phenomena: areas of rapid and conspicuous sedimentation along a water course, in lagoon channels and/or in the coastal area. Erosion phenomena: areas of rapid and... -
Soil map Gorizia and Trieste
Soil map on a 1:50,000 scale of the provinces of Gorizia and Trieste with percentage frequencies of the soils, their summary description and FAO classification -
River embankment
Artificial river embankment with a height greater/less than 2 m. -
Groundwater debris
Groundwater debris, slope deposits, accumulations of large blocks. -
seabed isobata
Isoline of seabed depth expressed in meters from sea level -
Morphological flexure
Low angle soft slope break. -
Major land use capacity
Assessment of land use capacity (major land) according to the USDA method in 8 classes. The assessment is carried out on natural soil, it does not consider any anthropic... -
Groundwater debris
Groundwater debris, slope deposits, accumulations of large blocks. -
Peat deposit
Deposit with organic/peat component. -
Soil map Pordenone
Soil map on a scale of 1:100,000 of the Pordenone plain and hills with percentage frequencies of the soils, their summary description and FAO classification -
Isolated relief in the plain
Relief in bedrock in the plain. -
River terrace
Edge of a river terrace and/or inactive river or torrent escarpment with a height greater / less than 2 m. -
Calcalutite calcarenite alternations, Dolomite limestone alternations, Sandstones, Limestone, Thickly stratified limestone, Flintstone limestone, Prequaternary conglomerates,... -
River bank
Levee break, e.g. at a white road. -
Deposit weaving
Sediments with variable percentages of gravel (G), sand (S) and silt-clay (M). -
Morfologia lagunare ai bordi di canali, sempre emersa anche in caso di alta marea, costituita da fango e talvolta da sabbia, sempre vegetata e percorsa da piccoli canali di... -
Area carsica
Carso coperto: Carso coperto/a blocchi/a denti, ovvero areali carsici con copertura di suolo limitata.Carso a testate: Carso a testate/grize/campi solcati, ovvero areali ad...