Financial picture health care Health Insurance Act 2019
This includes all the tables from the in-depth chapter of the Healthcare Insurance Act (Zvw) from the 2019 Financial Image of Healthcare (FBZ) budget. with 2023. The adjustments... -
Luchtfoto 2019 25cm RGB Ortho
RGB summer aerial image of 2019 with a resolution of 25cm. -
Occupation Bicycle parking 2019 Arnhem
This dataset provides an overview of the daily number of parked bicycles in the guarded bicycle parking facilities managed by the municipality of Arnhem. (Musis Kwartier,... -
Aerial 2019 25cm RGB Ortho (spring flight)
Spring 2019 RGB aerial image with a resolution of 25cm. -
Financial picture healthcare Long-term Care Act 2019
This includes all tables from the in-depth chapter of the Long-Term Care Act (WLZ) from the 2019 Financial Assessment of Care (FBZ) budget. up to and including 2023. The... -
Luchtfoto 2019 25cm CIR Ortho
CIR summer aerial image of 2019 with a resolution of 25cm. -
Indicators Athletes 2019 and beyond (Sport & leisure)
Description Utrecht in Figures is the online database of the municipality of Utrecht. Here the Research & Advice department publishes figures about the city of Utrecht and... -
Aerial photo 2019
An aerial photograph is an image of part of the Earth's surface, photographed from a high vantage point away from the Earth's surface, usually from an aircraft. -
Financial picture healthcare 2019
This includes all tables from the 2019 Financial Assessment of Healthcare (FBZ) budget, with the exception of the in-depth chapter. The development of the Healthcare Expenditure... -
Extensive in-depth appendix to the Long-Term Care Act 2019
This is an extensive version of the in-depth chapter of the Long-Term Care Act (Wlz) from the Financial Assessment of Care (FBZ) budget 2019. The adjustments are shown in... -
Procurement data Ministry of Justice and Security 2019
Purchasing expenditure is the expenditure incurred by the central government on goods and services from suppliers. Once a year, the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom... -
Inkoopdata Ministerie van Algemene Zaken 2019
De inkoopuitgaven zijn de uitgaven die door de rijksoverheid aan goederen en diensten worden gedaan bij leveranciers. Eenmaal per jaar krijgt de minister van Binnenlandse Zaken... -
Luchtfoto 2019 10cm RGB True Pixel
Uit de overlap van de 10 cm stereo beelden van de voorjaarsvlucht van 2019 zijn 20 cm puntenwolken gegenereerd middels Semi Global Matching. De overlappen zijn samengevoegd en... -
Adjusted growth in health care expenditure 2017-2022 status OW 2019
Adjusted growth in health care expenditure 2017-2022 status OW 2019 -
Extensive in-depth supplement to the Health Insurance Act 2019
This is an expanded version of the in-depth chapter of the Healthcare Insurance Act (Zvw) from the Financial Image of Healthcare (FBZ) budget 2019. The adjustments are shown in...