Group Layer Habitat Types (Area, Lines, Point)
The habitats are recorded in the specialist topic biotope types as part of the biotope mapping and are presented differently according to their characteristics -
Map layer road, night level LNight
Outside the metropolitan areas, main roads (motorways, federal and state roads) with a traffic volume of over 3 million vehicles per year are to be mapped. In addition, other... -
Low-lying aquifers in Thuringia - Stassfurt carbonate isopaches
The data set shows the thicknesses for low-lying aquifers of the Stassfurt carbonate (main dolomite in rim wall formation) in Thuringia. -
Digital color TrueOrthophotos 2022 (DOP20RGBI)
The data are color digital true orthophotomosaics (TrueDOP). With TrueDOP, all objects are displayed true to position, i. H. there is no tilting of buildings or trees, so there... -
Group layer vegetation types (area, point)
Important note: The data set is updated daily under OpenData NRW! The vegetation types map layer of the Web Map Services Landscape Information Collection (WMS LINFOS) shows the... -
FFH habitat types in the state of Bremen
FFH habitat types in the state of Bremen Result of the evaluation of biotope type mapping between 2013 and 2018 in the state of Bremen and review of the FFH habitat types 2017... -
Geological sketch (environmental atlas)
Data of the geological sketch from the ground surface up to a depth of 2 m, in exceptional cases up to 5 m. -
Digital Geological Map of Thuringia 1:200,000 - Geological Area Units
The "Digital Geological Overview Map of Thuringia 1 : 200,000" is a clear representation of the geology of Thuringia. It consists of the individual maps “Precenozoic (hard rock... -
Public and publicly funded youth leisure facilities (JFE) in the state of Berlin. -
INSPIRE HE Altitude - Grid Coverage ATKIS - DTM1
Digital terrain models (DGM) are managed in ATKIS® according to a national standard. DGM are digital, numeric models of the terrain heights and shapes of the earth's surface... -
INSPIRE: Map of Mineral Resources of Germany 1:1,000,000 (BSK1000)
The BSK1000 (INSPIRE) provides the basic information on the spatial distribution of energy resources and mineral raw materials (‘stones and earth’, industrial minerals and ores)... -
Further training locations in the State of Bremen
The map contains all scientific further education institutions as well as further education institutions according to the WBG of the State of Bremen. It contains all relevant... -
Detailnetz Berlin
The Detailnetz Berlin is a digital image of the streets of Berlin in the form of a so-called node-edge model. It contains information on the detailed road network of Berlin (for... -
Deep geothermal energy in Thuringia - temperature distribution at 4000 m belo...
The data set provides information on the regional temperature distribution at a depth of 4000 m below ground in the Free State of Thuringia. The data set provides basic data on... -
INSPIRE: German Borehole Locations - Baden-Württemberg (GBL)
The GBL (INSPIRE) represents mechanically drilled boreholes approved by the State Geological Surveys of Germany (SGS). Most of the drilling data were not collected by the SGS,... -
Low-lying aquifers in Thuringia - temperatures in the Stassfurt carbonate
The data set shows the temperature distribution for low-lying aquifers of the Staßfurt carbonate (main dolomite in rim wall formation) in Thuringia. -
Flood areas in the state of Bremen
Areas that are flooded with a flood with a probability of occurrence once in a hundred years or less (according to §76 WHG). The INSPIRE-compliant data set “No. 16, flooding... -
Cultivation areas of organic cultivation (data)
The maps shown for the crop-specific cultivation areas were drawn up by the working group for experimenters in organic farming at the Association of Chambers of Agriculture. The... -
INSPIRE HE Orthofotografie ATKIS DOP20
The database contains the orthophotography derived from the ATKIS DOP20 in accordance with INSPIRE data specification 1.0.0. -
Landscape elements applied for and found to be eligible for funding in NRW
Landscape features applied for are considered part of the eligible area. They are subject to cross-compliance regulations. The current database is retrieved once a day.