Business demography, European standard; size class,SIC2008
This table includes information on business demography according to the European standard. Figures in this table are also submitted in this form to Eurostat. Information... -
History economic demography
Demography of companies by business activity (SBI'93 and SBI'74) and bankruptcies (SBI'93). 1983 - 2006. Changed April 08, 2008. Frequency: Discontinued. -
Vacancies arising; region
This table contains figures on the number of vacancies that have arisen at companies and institutions in healthcare and welfare. The data can be broken down by region. This... -
RIVM Regional image; region (classification 2022), 2015-2040
The figures in this table are based on various data sources processed by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). This table was created for the RIVM... -
Immigration and emigration; gender, age, nationality, region
This table contains figures on immigration and emigration of people to and from the Netherlands. The emigration figures include the balance of administrative corrections.... -
Young people (0 to 25 years); gender, age, migration background, regions
This table provides information about the number of young people aged 0 to 25 in the Netherlands. To show how young people in the Netherlands are doing, the National Youth... -
Civil engineering works; Input price index 2015=100
This table shows the input price indices of the costs of labour, materials and equipment for civil engineering works (in Dutch: Grond-, weg- en waterbouw (GWW)). There are ten... -
Commercial vans; industry
This table contains data on the number of vans registered by companies (company vans) by industry (SBI 2008). The figures relate to vans with a valid Dutch license plate that... -
Central government; income and expenses per month on a cash basis
This table contains monthly cash data on the income, expenditure and balance of the central government. The data comes directly from the accounts of the relevant government... -
Consumer prices; European harmonized price index 2015=100
This table contains figures on the price movements of a package of goods and services purchased by consumers in the Netherlands. These figures have been compiled according to... -
Retail trade; turnover changes, index 2015=100
This table presents information on turnover and volume developments in the sector Retail Trade (Section F according to the Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008)).... -
Terms of trade in goods, index 2015=100
Statistics Netherlands collects monthly data on imports and exports of goods. This table comprises index figures and changes in terms of percentage of terms of trade, import... -
Deceased; gender, age, country of origin and country of birth
This table contains figures on deceased persons among the population of the Netherlands, with the most important characteristics being their country of origin and country of... -
Agriculture; crops, animals and land use by region
This table contains data at regional level about land use, arable farming, horticulture, grassland, grazing animals and livestock. For all subjects, both the count data (area,... -
Coal and coal products balance sheet; supply and consumption
This table shows the supply and the consumption of hard coal, lignite + BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) and coke-oven cokes. Supply is calculated as production plus recovered products... -
Asylum requests; by citizenship, from 1975
This table provides annual figures of asylum requests and following family members (persons and procedures), by citizenship. Apart from the total number of requests and family... -
Bankruptcies; companies and institutions, region
This table contains the numbers of bankruptcies declared by judges in the Netherlands, broken down by type of bankrupt (natural persons with sole proprietorships, companies and... -
Basic insurance (Zvw); costs per person, origin
This table shows the average costs per person for care that falls under the Health Insurance Act (Zvw), per type of care provided, and the share of people for whom costs have... -
Deceased; Wlz use, personal characteristics
This table contains data on the number of deaths among the population of the Netherlands per week. The data can be broken down by personal characteristics: age and gender and by... -
Arable crops; production, to region
This table provides information per crop about the cultivated and harvested area, yield per hectare and the total yield in a crop year. The data are available for the...