Map layers bird sanctuaries NRW
Important note: The data set is updated daily under OpenData NRW! The bird protection areas map layer can be selected in the Web Map Service Landscape Information Collection... -
Map layers Main natural units
The map layer natural spatial main unit can be selected in the Web Map Service landscape information collection (WMS LINFOS) and shows the location and spatial delimitation of... -
Map layers National Park NRW
Important note: The data set is updated daily under OpenData NRW! According to Section 24 of the BNatSchG, national parks are legally binding, uniformly protected areas that are... -
Map layer flood risk map NRW - HW protection devices
The HW protections map layer includes: - Basin location - Protection facility -
Map layer flood risk map NRW - medium probability (HQ100)
The map layer average probability NRW (HQ100) includes: - land use in the flooded area - flood limits - number of affected residents in the flooded area without techn. Flood... -
Map layer flood hazard map NRW - low probability (HQ500)
The Low Probability (HQ500) map lyer includes: - Flood line of areas without engineered flood defenses - Depth flood prone areas - Depth flood plain - Flow velocities -
Kartenlayer Gänseschongebiet NRW
Important note: The data set is updated daily under OpenData NRW! According to § 2 of the ordinance on hunting times (state hunting times ordinance) of the state of North... -
Group layer biotope cadastre (area, line, point)
Important note: The data set is updated daily under OpenData NRW! The group layer Biotope Cadastre can be selected in the Web Map Service Landscape Information Collection (WMS... -
Berlin climate model: Analysis maps, climate functions and planning informati...
Distribution and characteristics of various climate parameters, their analytical summary and evaluation in a planning reference map, spatial reference grid and block map 1 :... -
Map layers landscape areas NRW
Important note: The data set is updated daily under OpenData NRW! According to § 15 a paragraph 2 of the Landscape Act NRW, the technical contribution of nature conservation and... -
Group layer biotope types (area, line, point)
Important note: The data set is updated daily under OpenData NRW! The group layer biotope types can be selected in the Web Map Service Landscape Information Collection (WMS... -
Map layer FFH areas NRW
Important note: The data set is updated daily under OpenData NRW! The map layer FFH areas (according to the Flora-Fauna-Habitat-Guideline) of the Web Map Service Landscape... -
Map layer wilderness areas NRW
The NRW wilderness areas map layer includes the wilderness development areas in the state forest of North Rhine-Westphalia that have been designated in North Rhine-Westphalia... -
Water body map with factual data of the body of water directory in the sense of the BWG including the official body water numbers of Berlin, according to a national system of... -
Group layer vegetation surveys (area, point)
The vegetation recordings are basic information for many projects in nature and environmental protection. The recordings show the complete species inventory of plants with their...