Historic parcel coordinates NW
Historical parcel coordinates link the details of the parcel identifier (administrative unit, district, parcel, parcel) with a pair of coordinates in the spatial reference... -
Historical Building References NW
The historical building references define the exact position of over 4 million buildings in North Rhine-Westphalia. The data source is the real estate cadastre and thus the... -
German base map NW 1:5 000
The German base map 1:5000 (DGK5) was the topographic base map series in North Rhine-Westphalia until February 2016. It will be replaced by the official base map 1:5000 (ABK). -
ATKIS basic DLM (presentation service)
The ATKIS Basis-DLM maps the topographical objects of a landscape in the form of vector data and different attribute values. This presentation serves to illustrate the... -
Historic house surrounds NW
House outlines (HU) show the geometry of over 10 million building floor plans in NRW as a shape file. House outlines are derived from ALKIS objects for buildings and areal...