Isohypse maps of the Tertiary in Flanders were made on behalf of the then Department of Natural Resources and Energy, now the Department of Land and Soil Protection, Subsoil and... -
Soil mechanical map 14.5.8 Gent-Evergem, Plate III: Thickness of the Holocene...
The soil mechanical maps were drawn up by the Center for Soil Mechanical Mapping of Ghent University and the Working Group or Commission for Soil Mechanical Mapping (various... -
Isohypse maps of the Tertiary in Flanders were made on behalf of the then Department of Natural Resources and Energy, now the Department of Land and Soil Protection, Subsoil and... -
Soil mechanical map 15.4.5 Antwerp-Deurne-Noord, Plate II: Thickness of the f...
The soil mechanical maps were drawn up by the Center for Soil Mechanical Mapping of Ghent University and the Working Group or Commission for Soil Mechanical Mapping (various... -
Soil mechanical map 15.4.1 Antwerp-Merksem-Noord, Plate V: Thickness of the S...
The soil mechanical maps were drawn up by the Center for Soil Mechanical Mapping of Ghent University and the Working Group or Commission for Soil Mechanical Mapping (various... -
Isohypse maps of the Tertiary in Flanders were made on behalf of the then Department of Natural Resources and Energy, now the Department of Land and Soil Protection, Subsoil and... -
Soil mechanical map 22.2.5 Ghent-Gentbrugge, Plate VII: Top of the Ypresian s...
The soil mechanical maps were drawn up by the Center for Soil Mechanical Mapping of Ghent University and the Working Group or Commission for Soil Mechanical Mapping (various... -
Soil mechanical map 15.3.6 Antwerp Center, Plate XI: Basis of the Quaternary ...
The soil mechanical maps were drawn up by the Center for Soil Mechanical Mapping of Ghent University and the Working Group or Commission for Soil Mechanical Mapping (various... -
Sensitivity to landslides
The landslide sensitivity map gives a first indication of the sensitivity to landslides at a very local level in a study area located west of Brussels, in the south of the... -
Soil mechanical map 22.1.8 Ghent-Zwijnaarde, Plate II: Thickness of the fille...
The soil mechanical maps were drawn up by the Center for Soil Mechanical Mapping of Ghent University and the Working Group or Commission for Soil Mechanical Mapping (various... -
Soil mechanical map 14.6.7 Gent-Oostakker, Plate IX: Hydrogeological data (sc...
The soil mechanical maps were drawn up by the Center for Soil Mechanical Mapping of Ghent University and the Working Group or Commission for Soil Mechanical Mapping (various... -
HCOV_0500, basis of the Bartoon Aquitard system
Flanders is made up of an alternation of aquifers (sand, gravel, chalk, bedrock, ...) and regionally occurring non-aquifers (eg clay). The succession of these aquifers and... -
Soil mechanical map 14.6.7 Gent-Oostakker, Plate X: Zoning (scan original plate)
The soil mechanical maps were drawn up by the Center for Soil Mechanical Mapping of Ghent University and the Working Group or Commission for Soil Mechanical Mapping (various... -
Soil mechanical map 14.6.5 Ghent-Desteldonk, Plate IV: Thickness of the Pleis...
The soil mechanical maps were drawn up by the Center for Soil Mechanical Mapping of Ghent University and the Working Group or Commission for Soil Mechanical Mapping (various... -
Soil mechanical map 15.4.5 Antwerp-Deurne-North, Plate XI: Basis of the Quate...
The soil mechanical maps were drawn up by the Center for Soil Mechanical Mapping of Ghent University and the Working Group or Commission for Soil Mechanical Mapping (various... -
Soil mechanical map 22.1.8 Ghent-Zwijnaarde, Plate II: Thickness of the fille...
The soil mechanical maps were drawn up by the Center for Soil Mechanical Mapping of Ghent University and the Working Group or Commission for Soil Mechanical Mapping (various... -
HCOV_1000, Area of Occurrence of the Paleocene Aquifer System
Flanders is made up of an alternation of aquifers (sand, gravel, chalk, bedrock, ...) and regionally occurring non-aquifers (eg clay). The succession of these aquifers and... -
Soil mechanical map 22.1.6 Gent-Sint-Pieters, Plate III: Thickness of the Qua...
The soil mechanical maps were drawn up by the Center for Soil Mechanical Mapping of Ghent University and the Working Group or Commission for Soil Mechanical Mapping (various... -
Isohypse maps of the Tertiary in Flanders were made on behalf of the then Department of Natural Resources and Energy, now the Department of Land and Soil Protection, Subsoil and... -
Soil mechanical map 14.5.8 Ghent-Evergem, Plate VI: Thickness of the Upper Pa...
The soil mechanical maps were drawn up by the Center for Soil Mechanical Mapping of Ghent University and the Working Group or Commission for Soil Mechanical Mapping (various...