INSPIRE geharmoniseerd - EnvironmentalMonitoringFacility.Nitrate
Kaartlaag met de monitoringsstations en nitraatwaarden gerapporteerd voor de periode 2016-2019 aan de Europese Commissie volgens de Nitraatrichtlijn (91/676/CEE). -
Meetpunten triade kwaliteitsbeoordeling
Ecologische beoordeling van de kwaliteit van de waterbodem in Vlaanderen volgens triade bestaat uit drie verschillende evaluaties die gecombineerd worden tot één... -
G3Dv3 031801, isopachen Ld van Grandglise van de Fm van Hannut
This layer gives the isopaches of the Member of Grandglise of the Geological 3D model of Flanders. The Geological 3D model has been drawn up within the framework of the... -
G3Dv3 030303, isopachen Ld van Terhagen van de Fm van Boom
This layer gives the isopaches of the Member of Terhagen of the Geological 3D model of Flanders. The Geological 3D model has been drawn up within the framework of the management... -
Loam reclamations
This layer shows the extraction areas per mineral type. This layer is an edit to the overview of mining areas available in the Mining Explorer. -
INSPIRE harmonized - WRB Soil Units 40k Flanders
The Belgian soil map was drawn up on the basis of the results of intensive soil mapping during the 1950s and 1970s. This Belgian soil map is based on the Belgian soil... -
INSPIRE harmonized - MineralOccurrence
This map layer shows the occurrence of the (niveo-)eolian loam deposits in Flanders as well as the occurrence of the sand and gravel deposits originating from the Meuse and the... -
Reclamations of Aalbeke Clay
This layer shows the extraction areas per mineral type. This layer is an edit to the overview of mining areas available in the Mining Explorer. -
INSPIRE harmonized - Sensitivity to landslides
The landslide sensitivity map gives a first indication of the sensitivity to landslides at a very local level in a study area located west of Brussels, in the south of the... -
INSPIRE harmonized - gravityStation
The analysis of gravimetric data in the context of research into the Brabant Massif was carried out in 2004 by the British Geological Survey in collaboration with GF Consult... -
Explorations of Boom Clay
This layer shows the extraction areas per mineral type. This layer is an edit to the overview of mining areas available in the Mining Explorer. -
INSPIRE harmonized - exploitation: permits
This layer shows the collection of cadastral parcels per issued (environmental/environmental) permit to which it applies. -
Reclamations of Ypres Clay
This layer shows the extraction areas per mineral type. This layer is an edit to the overview of mining areas available in the Mining Explorer. -
INSPIRE harmonized - Erosion sensitivity of the Flemish municipalities
The erosion sensitivity map of the Flemish municipalities shows the average sensitivity to erosion for each municipality in Flanders (status 2006). The layer is derived from the... -
Clay reclamations of the Kempen
This layer shows the extraction areas per mineral type. This layer is an edit to the overview of mining areas available in the Mining Explorer. -
INSPIRE harmonized - G3Dv3 occurrence limits
This layer represents the occurrence boundaries of the Geological 3D model of the Flemish subsurface, G3Dv3. The Geological 3D model has been drawn up in the context of the... -
H3Dv2 A1033, drilling with base Sand from Orp
This layer shows the drillings through the base of A1033, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the Flemish subsurface. The Hydrogeological 3D model has been drawn up in... -
G3Dv3.1 031702, isohypses of base Ld van Loksbergen and Dormaal of the Fm van...
This layer gives the base isohypses of the members of Loksbergen and Dormaal, as defined in the Geological 3D model of the Flemish subsurface - version 3.1. The Geological 3D... -
G3Dv3.1 030302, occurrence of Ld van Putte from the Fm van Boom
This layer shows the occurrence boundaries of the Member of Putte, as defined in the Geological 3D model of the Flemish subsoil - version 3.1. The Geological 3D model has been... -
H3Dv2 A0224, drilling with base Clay sand from Kruisschans
This layer shows the drillings through the base of A0224, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the Flemish subsurface. The Hydrogeological 3D model has been drawn up in...