Gebiedsbeheer/gebieden waar beperkingen gelden/gereguleerde gebieden en rappo...
INSPIRE-compatibele directe overdrachtdienst met objecttypes uit INSPIRE Annex III Thema 'Gebiedsbeheer/gebieden waar beperkingen gelden/gereguleerde gebieden en... -
Surface water bodies and their catchment areas, 2022-2027
Vector files with the delineation of the surface water bodies and their catchment areas. In implementation of the European Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and the Flemish... -
Surface water bodies and their catchment areas, 2022-2027
Vector files with the delineation of the surface water bodies and their catchment areas. In implementation of the European Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and the Flemish... -
Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units
INSPIRE-compatible direct transfer service with object types from INSPIRE Annex III Theme 'Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units' (harmonised data). -
Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units
INSPIRE-compatible direct transfer service with object types from INSPIRE Annex III Theme 'Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units' (harmonised data).