Vegetation map - Suviana and Brasimone Lakes Regional Park - 2014 Edition
Vector database obtained by updating the previous vegetation map to 2011 (2002 edition). The update was made on video based on the AGEA 2011 orthophotos. Thanks to the method... -
Overview of water protection areas in Berlin - detailed information can be found in the respective regulations (see below). -
State nature reserves
They concern 2 integral and biogenetic nature reserves and 1 marine nature reserve in the gulf of Trieste -
PPR - Articulation of protected heritage in landscapes pursuant to art 136 Le...
Breakdown into landscape typologies of the Properties bound by a ministerial or regional provision of declaration of notable public interest pursuant to art. 136 of Legislative... -
Bathing waters
Bathing waters -
Municipal and inter-municipal parks
It identifies the municipal and inter-municipal park areas in force at the territorial level under the responsibility of the individual municipalities. -
Database and inventory of natural stable meadows
Based on the art. 6 of Regional Law 9/2005 concerning the protection of natural stable meadows, the regional administration codifies the natural stable meadows of the plains in... -
Special Protection Zones
Special Protection Area Reclamation of the Gherardesca established with Resolution C.R. April 26, 2017 no. 27 -
Shellfish waters
Shellfish waters -
Urban wastewater
Urban wastewater -
PPR - Areas at archaeological risk
The data is the result of the survey relating to the archaeological risk carried out as part of the preparation of the PPR, and following the adoption of the PPR itself, of the... -
Nitrate vulnerable waters
Nitrate vulnerable waters -
Natura 2000 ZSC/SIC
Sites envisaged by European Directive 79/409/EEC for the protection of avifauna and related habitats for the conservation and increase of biodiversity in Europe. Updated to the... -
Fish waters
Fish waters -
Hydrogeological restriction RD 3267 of 1923
Area subject to hydrogeological restrictions pursuant to R.D. 3267/1923 SOURCE: regulatory reference; TYPE: constraint origin; AREA: surface in m2; METADATA_SHEET: link to the... -
Natura 2000 SPA
Sites envisaged by European Directive 79/409/EEC for the protection of avifauna and related habitats for the conservation and increase of biodiversity in Europe. Updated to the... -
Archaeological bond
properties subject to direct archaeological restrictions ID_PROPERTY: identifier of the property; TYPE_CONSTRAINT: type of constraint; NAME: name; TYPE: type; DATA_IST:... -
PPR - Ecotopi Tipo funzione
Lo strato contiene la intera superficie regionale suddivisa in unita funzionali di rete ecologica, ovvero gli ecotopi. A ciascun ecotopo viene attribuita una funzione prevalente... -
PPR - Aree interesse Regionale RER
Elementi strategici della rete Ecologica regionale. Sono gli elementi di connettività che risultano importanti al di sopra della scala di ambito e presentano un interesse... -
Vincolo Paesaggistico - g bosco
aree di interesse paesaggistico vincolate ai sensi del D.Lgs. 42/04 titolo III art.142 lett.g)