Traffic-related air pollution in road spaces 2015 and 2020 (environmental atlas)
Traffic-related air pollution in selected road sections with forecasts for 2015 and 2020 -
Clean Air Plan 2011-2017 Scenarios Motor Vehicle Traffic 2015: MB2 Traffic Flow
Effects of the bundle of measures "Traffic Flow Optimization" (MB2) on the air pollution caused by motor vehicle traffic in the sphere of influence of selected roads in 2015 as... -
Clean Air Plan 2011-2017 Scenarios Motor Vehicle Traffic 2015: MB4 Urban Back...
Effects of the bundle of measures "Reduction of emissions in the urban background" (MB4) on air pollution from motor vehicle traffic in the sphere of influence of selected... -
Clean Air Plan 2011-2017 Scenarios Motor Vehicle Traffic 2015: MB3 Tempo 30 H...
Effects of the bundle of measures "Tempo-30 Hotspots" (MB3) on the air pollution caused by motor vehicle traffic in the sphere of influence of selected roads in 2015 as part of... -
Clean Air Plan 2018-2025 - Scenarios for NO2 concentration in road areas 2020...
Effects of selected scenarios on the NO2 air pollution from motor vehicle traffic in the street area for the year 2020, calculated as part of the work on the clean air plan... -
Clean Air Plan 2011-2017 Scenarios Motor Vehicle Traffic 2015: MB1 Vehicle Te...
Effects of the bundle of measures "Improvement of vehicle technology" (MB1) on air pollution caused by motor vehicle traffic in the sphere of influence of selected roads in 2015... -
Clean Air Plan 2011-2017 Scenarios Motor Vehicle Traffic 2015: MB5 Motor Vehi...
Effects of the bundle of measures "Advance Vehicle Fleet 2020" (MB5) on the air pollution caused by motor vehicle traffic in the sphere of influence of selected roads in 2015 as... -
Traffic-related air pollution in road areas 2020 and 2025 (environmental atlas)
Traffic-related air pollution in selected road sections with forecasts for 2020 and 2025 -
Nature reserves in Germany
Nature protection areas (§ 23 BNatSchG) serve in particular to preserve, develop and restore habitats and the associated wild animal and plant species; any destruction, change... -
Soil BKK 2020 - Zone classification
The zone division map shows the zones where the average soil quality is equivalent. The map is an appendix to the soil quality map, which you can find at www.zaanstad.nl keyword... -
Soil BKK 2020 - Assessment card average quality topsoil
In the test card average quality topsoil, the average measured values of the individual substances (in the topsoil: 0-0.5 m –mv) per sub-area were tested against the... -
Soil BKK 2020 - Excavation map topsoil (up to 0.5 m-mv)
The Topsoil Excavation Map describes the average quality of the top half meter of unsuspected locations. The map is an appendix to the soil quality map and Memorandum on soil... -
Soil BKK 2020 - Soil Function Class Map
The Soil Function Class Map indicates for an area under which of the three function classes the area falls. The three function classes are: AW2000 (agriculture, nature,... -
Soil BKK 2020 - Assessment card average quality subsoil
In the assessment map for the average quality of the subsurface, the average measured values of the individual substances (in the subsoil: 0.5-2.0 m-mv) per sub-area have been... -
Soil BKK 2020 - Excavation map subsoil (>0.5 m-mv)
The Subsurface Excavation Map describes the average quality of 0.5 to 2.0 m -mv of unsuspected locations. The map is an appendix to the soil quality map and Memorandum on soil... -
Soil BKK 2020 - Generic application map
The Generic application map shows which quality is required when applying or applying soil. The application map assumes application in or on topsoil. The map is an appendix to... -
Aerial photo 2020
An aerial photograph is an image of part of the Earth's surface, photographed from a high vantage point away from the Earth's surface, usually from an aircraft. -
Arpa Piemonte - Evento alluvionale del 2-3 ottobre 2020
Dati relativi agli effetti al suolo indotti sul territorio dall'evento meteo-pluviometrico che ha colpito il Piemonte i giorni 2-3 ottobre 2020, prodotti da Arpa Piemonte,... -
Aree percorse dal fuoco (anno 2020)
Il file vettoriale riguarda la perimetrazione, ai sensi dell’art.10 della L. 353/2000, delle aree boscate e dei pascoli percorsi dal fuoco nell’anno 2020. I dati sono stati...