DBTR - Argine (Sottoarea) - (ARG_GPGSA)
Corresponds to the forms of retention and collection of water. This class describes the artificial embankments of both natural and artificial watercourses, the management works... -
DBTR - Diga (Sottoarea) - (DIG_GPGSA)
Hydraulic structure built along a watercourse with the aim of regulating its flow downstream and the level upstream or to create a reservoir or artificial lake to accumulate... -
DBTR - Water element (Trait) - (CDA_GLITR)
It is introduced as an attribute to stretches of the water course for both natural and artificial watercourses and is modeled through the centerline; each section of this center... -
DBTR - Diga (Sottoarea) - (DIG_GPGSA)
Hydraulic work built along a stream with the aim of regulating its flow downstream and its level upstream or to create a reservoir or artificial lake to accumulate water. (Subarea) -
DBTR - Channel - (CAN_GLI)
It is a watercourse created by man with the insertion of a construction (canal) in natural or artificial materials for the purpose of supplying, irrigation, drainage, diversion,... -
DBTR - Alveo - (AAI_GPG)
Defines the bed of a stream. -
XDBTR - Levee - (ARG_GPG) 2020 Edition
Corresponds to the forms of water retention and collection.Vector layer of the "Embankment" class of the DBTR updated exclusively for the main watercourses, using orthophotos... -
XDBTR - Alveo - (AAI_GPG) 2020 Edition
Defines the bed of a watercourse.Vector layer of the "Riverbeds" class of the DBTR, updated exclusively for the main watercourses, using 2014 orthophotos and based on the... -
DBTR - Wet area (Sottoarea) - (ABA_GPGSA)
Surface with the presence of water, part of the engraved bed of a stream. (Subarea). -
DBTR - Area bagnata (Boundary) - (ABA_GLIBN)
Fictitious contour section of the hydrographic surface. (Boundaries). -
DBTR - Argine - (ARG_GPG)
Corresponds to the forms of water retention and collection. This class describes the artificial embankments of both natural and artificial watercourses, the regulation works in... -
DBTR - Argine (Sottoarea) - (ARG_GPGSA)
Corresponds to the forms of water retention and collection. This class describes the artificial embankments of both natural and artificial watercourses, the regulation works in... -
DBTR - Entrance to underground watercourse - (IAS_GLI)
Entrance to an underground stream -
DBTR - Wet Area - (ABA_GPG)
Surface with the presence of water, part of the engraved bed of a stream -
DBTR - Dig - (DIG_GPG)
Hydraulic work built along a stream with the aim of regulating its flow downstream and its level upstream or to create a reservoir or artificial lake to accumulate water -
DBTR - Water element - (CDA_GLI)
The water path for both natural and man-made streams is modeled via the center line; each section of this center line can be contained in a wet area or in any case in a river...