Sealing 2021 - block and partial block areas (environmental atlas)
Sealing of block and partial block areas in 10% steps, determined from satellite image data (Sentinel-2B, undeveloped area) and building data (developed area), as well as road... -
Monitoring Social Urban Development 2019: Indices
Indices of the MSS 2019, note: 11 planning areas (PLR) were excluded from the calculation of the MSS 2019, no data are shown for these PLR. -
Monitoring Social Urban Development 2017: Context Indicators
Context indicators of the MSS 2017, note: 11 planning areas (PLR) were excluded from the calculation of the MSS 2017, no data are shown for these PLR. -
Sealing 2021 - road surfaces (environmental atlas)
Sealing of road surfaces, determined from road traffic data, based on the block map 1 : 5,000 (ISU5), as of 2021. In addition, the change mapping is shown in comparison between... -
Monitoring Social Urban Development 2021: Index indicators
Index indicators of the MSS 2021, note: xx planning areas (PLR) were excluded from the calculation of the MSS 2021, no data are reported for these PLR. -
Monitoring of social urban development 2021: context indicators (only K08, K1...
Context indicators of the MSS 2021 at LOR level up to 2018 (447), Note: 10 planning areas (PLR) were excluded from the calculation of the MSS 2021, no data are shown for these PLR. -
Monitoring Social Urban Development 2017: Index indicators
Index indicators of the MSS 2017, note: 11 planning areas (PLR) were excluded from the calculation of the MSS 2017, no data are shown for these PLR. -
Monitoring of social urban development 2019: context indicators
Context indicators of the MSS 2019, note: 11 planning areas (PLR) were excluded from the calculation of the MSS 2019, no data are reported for these PLR. -
Monitoring of social urban development 2021: context indicators (without K08,...
Context indicators of the MSS 2021, note: 6 planning areas (PLR) were excluded from the calculation of the MSS 2021, no data are reported for these PLR. -
Monitoring Social Urban Development 2021: indicators
Indices of the MSS 2019, note: 11 planning areas (PLR) were excluded from the calculation of the MSS 2019, no data are shown for these PLR. -
Monitoring Social Urban Development 2019: Index indicators
Index indicators of the MSS 2019, note: 11 planning areas (PLR) were excluded from the calculation of the MSS 2019, no data are reported for these PLR. -
Monitoring Social Urban Development 2017: Indices
Indices of the MSS 2017, note: 11 planning areas (PLR) were excluded from the calculation of the MSS 2017, no data are shown for these PLR. -
Versiegelung 2021 (Umweltatlas)
Versiegelung von Block- und Blockteilflächen in 10%-Stufen, ermittelt aus Satellitenbilddaten (Sentinel-2B, unbebauter Anteil) und Gebäudedaten (bebauter Anteil), sowie von... -
Sealing 2021 (environmental atlas)
Sealing of block and partial block areas in 10% steps, determined from satellite image data (Sentinel-2A, undeveloped area) and building data (developed area), as well as road...