Age and population structure of the forests - forest management map 2014 (env...
Representation of forest areas in the management of the Berlin forests, colored differentiation according to tree species groups and age, as of October 2014. -
Flood hazard map for floods with a high probability of 2019 (environmental at...
This flood hazard map (HWGK) describes the spatial spread of flooding and the water depth of a flood with a high probability of occurrence. Floods are shown that occur when a... -
Cycling facilities, including special bus lanes -
Traffic-related air pollution in road spaces 2020 and 2025 (environmental atlas)
Traffic-related air pollution in selected road sections with forecasts for 2020 and 2025 -
Aircraft noise protection area BER (environmental atlas)
Representation of the noise protection areas for Berlin Brandenburg Airport, including the planning zone in which certain structural usage restrictions apply. -
LaPro Basics: Target Species Distribution
The target species distribution map is a basis for the representation of the LaPro biotope network system in the biotope and species protection program plan. -
Soil in the INSPIRE data model (Moore)
The moor areas, moor sub-areas and recording points describe the distribution areas, soil types with conservation status, thicknesses and carbon stocks of moors in Berlin in the... -
ALKIS Berlin b/w (Official Real Estate Cadastre Information System)
In ALKIS Berlin, the current floor plan data from the property cadastre is maintained across the board. -
FNP (Berlin land use plan), as of new announcement 2015
Berlin land use plan in the version of the new announcement dated January 5, 2015 (OJ p. 31). The printed original applies in conjunction with the effective FNP changes... -
Distance to groundwater in 2020 (environmental atlas)
Depth of groundwater below the terrain surface - ground spacing, in scale-dependent accuracy, ground water spacing at low groundwater levels -
Parcels in the INSPIRE data model
Parcels, corridors and districts are shown as structural levels of the country. They are described by attributes of the INSPIRE data model “Land plots/plots (cadastral parcels)”. -
ALKIS Berlin (Official Real Estate Cadastre Information System)
In ALKIS Berlin, the current floor plan data from the property cadastre is maintained across the board. -
Statistical units in the INSPIRE data model (Lifeworld Oriented Spaces Januar...
The Berlin forecast areas, district regions and planning areas are shown here as statistical units. They are described by attributes of the INSPIRE Statistical Units data model. -
Forest location units
Results of the site investigation according to the procedure for the eastern German federal states (Kopp/Schwanecke) with main site forms and fine soil forms. -
State services in the INSPIRE data model (social service)
The public and publicly funded youth leisure facilities (JFE) in the state of Berlin are shown. They are described by attributes of the INSPIRE data model "Utilities and... -
Production and industrial plants in the INSPIRE data model (LISA plants)
Shown are Berlin production sites and facilities that are managed by the Berlin Senate Department for Mobility, Transport, Climate Protection and the Environment. They are... -
Planned land use in the INSPIRE data model (Berlin land use plan 2015)
The planned land use is shown at the level of land use planning as of the new announcement in 2015. The representation corresponds to the aggregated assignment of the INSPIRE... -
Medium-scale agricultural location mapping (MMK)
Medium-scale agricultural site mapping was developed in the former GDR in the 1970s as a basic soil science work for agriculture. In Berlin, only the agricultural areas in the... -
Geological drilling data
The map shows the location of the centrally recorded boreholes in the Berlin Geological Database. The layer lists can be accessed as profile representations via the factual data... -
State services in the INSPIRE data model (childcare)
The locations of Berlin's publicly funded daycare centers are shown with information about the daycare centers. They are described by attributes of the INSPIRE data model...