Aerial photos 1969, scale 1:10 000
1,301 black and white aerial photographs (vertical photographs) for parts of West Berlin at a scale of 1:10,000. The aerial photographs have a resolution of 800 DPI with a... -
Altitude in the INSPIRE data model (digital terrain model)
The ATKIS DTM is part of the Official Topographic Cartographic Information System (ATKIS). The terrain height data is provided by image data in TIFF format. In the associated... -
Leaf section division of the national map series
Combination of the sheet division for the map of Berlin 1:5000 (K5) and the sheet division for the digital orthophotos -
Aerial photographs 1928, scale 1:4,000
Vertical shots of Berlin, photo sheets without overlaps at a scale of 1:4000. -
Traffic volumes DTV 2019 (environmental atlas)
Number of motor vehicles per 24 hours including trucks and motorcycles (average daily traffic volume DTV), processing status 2019. -
WebAtlas Berlin
With the WebAtlas there is a nationwide uniform presentation of data from the digital landscape model (ATKIS-DLM data) and building surroundings from the real estate cadastre... -
Geological Map 1874-1937
Between 1878 and 1883, the Prussian Geological State Institute carried out the first overall geological survey of the area of today's state of Berlin on a scale of 1:25,000... -
Soil Rating - Total Filter Effectiveness (GFW), uniform across the country
The overall filter effect is a parameter for evaluating the soil as a filter for sorbable substances and is evaluated using the mechanical and physico-chemical filter capacity.... -
Altitude in the INSPIRE data model (image-based digital surface model)
The image-based digital surface model (bDOM) describes the height of the earth's surface with all natural (e.g. vegetation) and artificial objects (e.g. buildings). The bDOM is... -
Building and vegetation heights 2009/2010 (environmental atlas)
Building and vegetation height recording based on two image flights, processing status July 2014 -
Digital Topographic Map 1: 50 000 (DTK50)
The state map series Digital Topographic Map 1:50 000 visualizes the official basic geodata ATKIS and ALKIS buildings in the national standard sheet format. -
Building heights (environmental atlas)
The data set represents the building heights (ridge heights) based on the three-dimensional building models of the State of Berlin in Level of Detail 2 (LoD2). The floor plans... -
Digitale Orthophotos 2018
Digital orthophotos for the entire Berlin city area in sheet section 2 km x 2 km. The data are colored digital orthophotomosaics (DOP), which were created from the digital image... -
Geological Map 1 : 25,000 (Historical GK25, Environmental Atlas)
On a scale of 1:25,000, the geological map provides information on the distribution, composition and sequence of rocks down to a depth of two meters below the surface of the... -
Berlin around 1850
Scan of the map "Berlin around 1850" from the publication: "Urban development of Berlin since 1650 in maps" -
Digitale Orthophotos 2005
The data are digital color infrared orthophotomosaics (DOP), which were created from the digital image flight from August 19th to 31st, 2005. The differentially rectified DOPs... -
Digitale Orthophotos 2004
Digital orthophotos (color) for the entire Berlin city area with a ground resolution of 0.25 m in the leaf section of the K5