Digital colored TrueOrthophotos 2020 (TrueDOP20RGB) - summer flight
The data are colored digital true orthophotomosaics (TrueDOP) including BER airport. With TrueDOP, all objects are displayed in true position, i.e. H. There are no tilting... -
Groundwater levels 2005 (environmental atlas)
Groundwater level map of the main aquifer for May 2005 -
Protected areas and protected objects according to Berlin nature conservation...
Nature conservation and landscape protection areas, natural monuments in large areas and as objects, protected landscape components, Barnim Nature Park (Berlin part), FFH areas... -
Berlin cemetery inventory
All open and closed Berlin cemeteries according to their sponsor, including the three large Soviet memorials in Treptow, Schönholz and Tiergarten. -
Building and vegetation heights 2009/2010 (environmental atlas)
Building and vegetation heights [m] -
Sealing 2021 (uncorrected sealing degrees, grid data)
This raster map is an uncorrected interim result of the 2021 impervious mapping (environmental atlas). Shown is the result of the rule-based classification of the satellite data... -
Fish fauna 1993 (environmental atlas)
Assessment of the waters based on the number of detected fish species depending on the type of water, schematic representation of the fish population with species, frequency of... -
Locations of Berlin schools with information on school type, name, address and contact options. The data also includes information about whether the school is public or private.... -
LaPro resolution: landscape (program plan)
The LaPro landscape program plan presents the qualities and deficiencies of the landscape. The aim is to preserve spatial characteristics and increase the experience of... -
Geological sections (environmental atlas)
The geological sections show the Quaternary and Tertiary sediments from the top of the terrain to the Rupelton. In addition, deep holes are shown as column profiles depending on... -
Aerial photos 1993, scale 1:4,000
Aerial photos (vertical photos) of parts of Berlin on a scale of 1:4,000 -
This map documents the bearing capacity of the subsoil for selected areas of Berlin -
Administrative units of the Berlin forests
Representation of the administrative units of the Berlin forests. A forestry office is divided into areas and districts. A district is divided into departments, subdivisions and... -
Groundwater temperature - average temperature of groundwater 0 m - 50 m below...
Distribution of the average temperature of groundwater 0 m to 50 m below the ground surface. The map is based on 1765 measurements at 110 temperature measuring points. Most of... -
Traffic volumes 2009 (environmental atlas)
Number of motor vehicles per 24 hours including trucks and motorcycles (average daily traffic volumes DTV), processing status May 2011. -
Berlin around 1986
Scan of the map "Berlin around 1986" from the publication: "Urban development of Berlin since 1650 in maps" -
Berlin around 1800
Scan of the map "Berlin around 1800" from the publication: "Urban development of Berlin since 1650 in maps" -
Digital color TrueOrthophotos 2022 (DOP20RGBI)
The data are color digital true orthophotomosaics (TrueDOP). With TrueDOP, all objects are displayed true to position, i. H. there is no tilting of buildings or trees, so there... -
Geological sketch (environmental atlas)
Data of the geological sketch from the ground surface up to a depth of 2 m, in exceptional cases up to 5 m. -
Groundwater temperature 2012 (environmental atlas)
Distribution of the groundwater temperature 100 m below ground level. The map is based on measurements at 350 temperature measuring points. Mostly current temperature...