Morphological Indicators of Criticality
Morphological Indicators of Criticality -
Marecchia-Conca basins, coast, rare flood hazard L-P1
The cartography represents the delimitation of potentially floodable areas during extreme weather-marine events characterized by probability (return time greater than 100 years)... -
Coastline - Coastline 2011
Mapping and classification of the shoreline, according to the RER methodology, on the basis of Agea 2011 aerial photos. The data is not validated in the field. The... -
Po basin, coast, frequent flooding hazard H-P3
The cartography represents the delimitation of potentially floodable areas during extreme weather-marine events characterized by probability (return time equal to 10 years) as... -
Coastal Geodetic Network - Ed.2021
As of 2021, the RGC is made up of 51 geodetic vertices materialized along the regional coast, used for the plano-altimetric framework of the topographic and bathymetric reliefs... -
Morphological Indicators of Criticality - Emersa Beach Closure Rate 2014 - Bu...
The Qc_buffer dataset is the 'buffer' around the linear data and is the classification of the 2014 coast line, carried out on the basis of the closing height of the "emerged... -
Buffer zones - Marine terminal buffer zone
In the vicinity of the marine terminals, transit, parking and any type of fishing are prohibited within a radius of 1000 m from the terminals themselves. -
Exploration and exploitation of seabed resources - Marine terminals
Off the coast of Ravenna there are 3 marine terminals for the unloading and loading of petroleum products. A network of oil pipelines departs from them, for a total length of... -
Coastal management cells with ASE and ASPE indicators (2000-2006)
Polygonal representation of coastal coastal management cells with coast evolution indicators: ASPE - (Accumulation, Stable, Precarious balance, Erosion) indicator that describes... -
Po basin, coast, risk, polygonal geometry
The polygonal geometry cartography, in relation to the type of exposed elements considered, in relation to the Po Basin Authority Unit of Management (UoM) (ITN008), represents... -
Exploration and Exploitation of Seabed Resources - Mining Titles
Mining permits concerning the areas of Concession for Cultivation, Applications for Concession, Research Permits and their Applications. The Concessions for Cultivation cover an... -
Shoreline 2011/2012
Shoreline of the Emilia-Romagna Region - mixed elaboration obtained from Ortofoto AGEA 2011 and from Arpa 2012 survey -
Coastline Aerial Photos 2001 - flight graphs
The data constitutes the coverage of the encumbrance of the frames of the aerial survey carried out on the coastal strip of the Sardinia region in 2001 commissioned by the... -
DBTR - Marine Shoreline (Stretch) - (COS_GLITR)
It represents portions of sea areas, adjacent to the sea coast line, whose acquisition is significant (e.g. due to the presence of defense works or other artefacts, islands or... -
Coastal defense works - 2018
Sea defense works along the coast of the Emilia-Romagna Region -
Bathing water monitoring network (Legislative Decree 116/08) - 2014 update
Regional monitoring network of bathing waters in Emilia-Romagna pursuant to Legislative Decree 116/08. It is made up of 93 points, of which 20 in Ferrara, 25 in Ravenna, 11 in... -
Coastline - Coastline 2014
Mapping and classification of the shoreline, according to the RER methodology, on the basis of Agea 2014 aerial photos. The data is not validated in the field. The... -
Monitoring network of areas of natural population or shellfish farming in mar...
Sampling points carried out by the Daphne Oceanographic Structure, in collaboration with the territorially competent provincial administrations, for the detection of the... -
Coastline - Coastline 2005
Mapping and classification of the shoreline, according to the RER methodology, based on aerial photos. Field testing has not been performed. -
Coastline scale 1:2000
Coastline in 1:2000 scale extracted from a Digital Terrain Model 1m pitch